Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Seven, Dateline 4-17-2018

The sense of this word among the Greeks affords the noblest definition of it: enthusiasm signifies God in us.
— Madame de Stael

Hey Crickets, how are things going for you on this shitty Tuesday morning? Sorry to start day number one-hundred-seven of Operation Achieve Anything. On a negative note but it actually plays into my insights of yesterday’s assignment. This morning has started as one of those days where absolutely nothing is going right. First I found that my sink issue has grown to be more of a major problem, then I sat down to write only to find that my keyboard’s not working like it’s supposed and now I’m here pecking away on a generic piece of crap that feels foreign to my fingers.

This really sucks because I’ve been in such a good mood for the past couple of days and hate starting my day feeling so aggravated. These may seem like minor issues but the problem is, days like this make me feel like the entire universe is working against me and even the smallest hiccup then leads me to feel like the problems are just piling on. No matter how hard I try to remind myself that this is not the case and that it’s only in my head, but even if it is just a mental hang up, I can feel my enthusiasm being drained.

This actually transitions perfectly into yesterday’s assignment where the lesson was how enthusiasm can really fuel one's creative side. This lesson really cracked me up because it reminded me how much the Achieve Anything… book is aimed at boring business types who look at the arts the same way I look at their world. To me it’s a given that the more enthusiastic you are, the more you’re mind is inspired to play.

Since I’ve had such a rough start to this day, my enthusiasm level is lower than usual leaving me feeling more uninspired than usual. Thankfully, I love doing this blog enough that my attitude has been improving with every new word that I write. This is why I feel that writing is my calling whether or not I am any good. Though I’ve had day jobs in the past that I did mind, I’ve never once felt enthusiastic or inspired while having someone else as my boss.

I don’t see why there would be a mystery as to why enthusiasm would be linked to creativity and that’s all I’ve really got to say on the subject since my level of enthusiasm is on the rise, but is still a bit too low to get me fired up about this task that makes three in a row that covers the same exact topic. That said, in defense of the book, at least this assignment is different enough from the last two to where it at least feels somewhat new.

As for today’s assignment, I’m now supposed to reflect on today’s quote about how enthusiasm signifies God in us. As an Atheist, I’m a bit turned off by this god-based assignment even though the book clearly points out that you don’t need to be religious in order to complete this task but I’m a bit tired of constantly being told by believers that you don’t have to be religious to… only to have them then go on to push their system of beliefs.

Of course, I’ll delve into this further when I check in tomorrow with my post where I will share I came up with in order to fulfill this assignment. Until then, it’s time for me to wrap this up by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.