Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Seventeen, Dateline 4-27-2018

Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.
— Shaquille O'Neal (paraphrasing Aristotle)

Good morning Crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-seventeen of Operation Achieve Anything. Sorry, my last couple of post have been so rushed but, I just didn’t have much to say on the topic of the Achieve Anything… book’s religious-themed lessons but did the best that I could to fulfill the tasks in order to move on. Today, this book is back to its regular self-help themes that feel more aimed at mentally preparing me for success, without providing any advice on how to achieve an actual goal at all.

Though I’ll still complain about it from time to time, I’ve given up any expectations that this book will every tap into goal-based advice which is why I bought the book in the first place. With that said, I may have given up on my expectations but I have no plans to give up on the overall challenge because, especially when it comes to writing and challenges, I’m pretty good at finishing what I started even if the end result is a fail.

With that, let move on and get into yesterday’s assignment which was a two-parter that first focused on the endurance needed to successfully navigate life since it is such a long haul. Next, I was supposed to explore where I am on my path and determine if I’m heading in the right direction. A quick answer to the first part of this assignment is that I feel the over twenty years that I’ve spent dedicated to honing my skills as a writer, with only a handful of small victories should show that I am pot committed to not giving up until I make it or I die. I know that I say this a lot but it keeps coming up in assignments which is why I’m saying it again right now.

As far as the second part goes, I don’t really know if I’m happy with my current position in my path. There’s a part of me that feels that professionally my life on an upswing again, but as far as my personal life goes, I often feel like I’m haunting this planet like a ghost. On the positive side, I’ve never felt happier with my personal projects and am always excited to explore more of the world through my challenges. On the negative side, I feel like I may have reached a point where I no longer see the lack of personal contact to be as important and really want to spend more time in the tiny world that I’ve created for myself to avoid getting hurt again.

Someday I hope that the path I am on will veer back toward some kind of community but for now, I feel fine with isolating myself until I can figure a few things out and learn how to be my own boss. I feel once I figure out a way to earn enough on my own to do more than simply scrape by, I may be more willing to open up to others since hopefully, that would lead me to no longer feel like the failed freak in the room since right now I have no confidence in anything other than willingness to stick to my plan.

For today’s assignment, I’m supposed to explore the quote of the day as paraphrased my Shaquille O’Neal about the dedication needed to turn a single act into a habit since “You are what you repeatedly do.” Once again, I feel like the answer to this will be very obvious to anyone who’s been following along but either way, you’ll have to wait for tomorrow’s update to see how I handle this task.

Until then, it’s now time for me to wrap this thing up by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.