Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Thirty, Dateline 5-10-2018

It’s the most breathtakingly ironic things about living: the fact that we are all... alone. Singular. And yet what we seek - what saves us - is our connection to others.
— Wally Lamb

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-thirty of Operation Achieve Anything. I’m now three days into my new job and I feeling much more comfortable with what I’m doing. Again, this is an online job where there is absolutely no one to contact to clear up any confusion. The job itself is like modern customer support where they expect you to do all of the research to figure thing out on your own before reaching out to a human to then make you feel like your being a burden for making them do their job.

Though I take issue with this now, once I find my comfort zone I’ll be pleased as punch to have as little interaction with my employers as they seem to want from me. This leads into yesterday’s assignment about compassion, which is something I feel that I’ve lost faith in over the past several years. Don’t get me wrong, when I’m in my head living my fantasies, I have compassion for the entire world but our current reality makes it seem like a pointless venture, especially when your just a broke ass citizen with no money or power to get anyone to listen to your thoughts.

I think part of what led to my loss of compassion is how over the years I’ve always been told I was naïve for believing that things could change, at least to the extremes that I would throw out. It weird how you get treated like a complete idiot for even entertaining ideas to work toward a utopia while everyone just accepts endless wars. To make things worse, I always felt too broken myself to feel like I could ever help anyone which is why most of my compassion was always expressed through fantasy.

With all of that said, even though I say that I’ve lost my compassion, I still fantasize about a day when I make it to the point where I have the resources to make a difference instead of just hoarding because of greed. So maybe I haven’t actually my compassion isn’t fully lost since getting to the point where I can make these changes is one of the reasons I keep getting up every morning and putting in the work that I do. If I didn’t have hope that I’d one day figure it out, I probably would have given up quite a while ago.

For today’s assignment, I’m supposed to think about my connection with others and once again, for the fourth or fifth time, I’m simply supposed to treat others well and take note of the outcome. I know this is a task that I shouldn’t be annoyed with but I’m just tired of all of the repeating content that fills like filler while I still sit and wait for the Achieve Anything… book to get back to the goal that I’m trying to achieve and stop focusing on the self-help focus on me.

Sorry for this post but I’m still in my shut-in phase so the book’s focus relationships has me feeling a bit uninspired so I felt like I had to ramble to get through today and thanks to today’s assignment I’ll probably be rambling tomorrow as well. We’ll see if that the case when I check in with my next update. Until then, it’s time for me to sign off by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.