Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Eighty-Eight, Dateline 7-7-2018

Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.
— Kofi Annan

Good evening Crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-eighty-eight of Operation Achieve Anything. As you may notice, I'm getting another pretty late start to my day only this time it's truly intentional. If you've been following my progress, I've spent the past two or three days bedridden, having to type on my laptop while lying on my belly. It may not be the best way to write but at least I'm still able to get all of my work done.

Tonight, I figured since it's the weekend and I have no day gig to deal with, I'd rather work later in the day when it starts to get cool instead of during the peak of the heat like I did with yesterday's post. I guess I could have done this Daily Breaker post at any time, considering the real issue was that my laptop's speakers really suck so when it came time to watch my daily episode of Saturday Night Live I had to watch it with my fan off.

Keep in mind that my mind life meltdown landed me in a windowless California garage and felt like I was working in an oven. At one point when I notice that my shirt was completely drenched, I reached over to grab my water only to find that it was warm enough for me to make tea, and I really hate hot beverages. When I stood to retrieve a frosty cold beverage from my fridge I felt light headed and had to sit right back down. I don't know if this was from standing to quick after spend so much time laid-out or the heat but either way I knew I wasn't going to go fanless at that time again.

And now here we are.

Unfortunately, this doesn't transition into the tasks I'm here to report on, so, I guess I'll just jump right in. For yesterday's assignment, I was supposed to share how I feel about whether or not I trust my instincts or if I use the instant access that the internet brings as my eye to look before I leap. The example was a mother telling her kids to go out and play which lead them to consult with the internet for ideas of things they could do, instead of just letting their instincts be the source of their fun.

I fall somewhere closer to the side where I let my instincts run the show. Sure, I will consult with the internet for things like types of work I can do from home, instead of having the ambition to start a business on my own. I'll also look up ideas for shortcuts on how to market and/or monetize this site but for the most part, I use the internet as a resource to find ways around things that I don't want to do.

When it comes to my creative ventures, I prefer to let instincts lead the way as much as possible. This is why I often argue with people about reinventing the wheel when it comes to religiously sticking to the heroes journey and the three-act structure when writing films. Everyone says, "If it ain't broke don't fix it," yet these are the same people who complain about how Hollywood has become bankrupt when it comes to ideas.

This is pretty much the entire reason that I finally gave up on the dream of sharing my vision on the screen. When I first started writing screenplays over twenty years ago, there was still a corner in the indie world that I felt could be my home. Now it seems, unless your a driven writer/director with the ability to corral a team into bringing your image to the screen, it's impossible to break the mold.

This may be how it's always been done but I guess working in film doing lighting opened my eye that film wasn't the route for me. Even during the short projects that I produced, I still had many battles about things that I wanted for big picture reasons that other just did not see, or care about since these reasons were tied to other projects that would probably never get made. That's why I like this blog, where I can be totally free to express myself however the hell I want even if it means I will never earn a paycheck for my work.

Now, for today's assignment, the lesson was focused on the importance of education, where official through established school or you're just teaching yourself new things. Again I don't want to spoil the surprise but I think between the year where I set 365 New Years Resolutions or the year where I took over a hundred online classes just for fun might be a hint as to how I will answer this one.

Of course, you'll have to wait for tomorrow's post to get my official answer. Until then, it's now time for me to switch gears in hopes the I finish my SNL viewing a reveiwing by midnight, which, at this point, should still very easy to achieve. With that, it's now time for me to sign off by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.