365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day One-Hundred-Two 4/12/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number one-hundred-two of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… and I’m getting another late start… because… that’s apparently my mind’s schedule at this time… that… and it’s another day where I don’t feel all that inspired to write about marketing…

Thankfully… this shit-show of a challenge is meant for evenings like this… since this challenge is more about me getting back into old habits… while trying to create the best content that I can… if this were an entertainment-based challenge… like daily reviews of an old favorite show… then I might be beating myself up a little more… or given up by this point…

Then again… I’m also probably still going because my OCD won’t let me stop… especially while I’m this deep into the 365 Days Of Marketing book… if I were to stop now… I would just have to start again later… so… I’d rather just rush through the rough days… and have fun on the days where things go as planned…

Either way… this concludes my introduction to the day… now let’s move on to see how I handled the theme from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Siblings Day… and coincidentally… I spent the day with half of my siblings… well… my older sister came down to visit my mom… my littlest sister and I are living back at home… so… we see each other on the regular… well sort of… we see each other… but stopped talking a while ago…

I take the brunt of the blame… since I barely talk to anyone anymore… because I was being socially avoidant during my midlife-crisis days… and many of the bridges that I’ve burnt are still in bad shape even if there are no more active flames… it doesn’t help that… when it comes to my family… “everything is fine…” which does make it fun when any of the other siblings are around because… at least for the evening… everything goes back to normal…

So… even though I didn’t even know that it was sibling day… until all of the visitors were gone and I cracked open the 365 Days Of Marketing book to write last night’s post… it was nice to accidentally fulfill the theme of the day… by talking TV shows and movies to watch… with the few remaining people who I still know…

And with that… I’m going to consider today’s theme taken care of… now let’s see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Licorice Day… which may sound fun… but… as a licorice hater… I’m going to have to find a technical way to complete the task for today… as if there is an actual task and not just me making up assignments on the fly… and the 365 Days Of Marketing book only providing an outline… which is what I signed on for so I can’t really complain… but you can… when you read tomorrow’s post…

But for now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…