365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day One-Hundred-Four 4/14/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number one-hundred-four of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… where I’m still on a mission to find a replacement power supply for my desktop machine… to stop having to use my old laptop… that’s so slow that it can only run one app/program at a time…

Unfortunately… I can’t find this part on Amazon or NewEgg… and after doing a few searches I found the part through HP… the manufacturer of the machine… I ordered the piece and paid extra for 1-2 day shipping… since my computer’s been down for a few months…

I’ve been waiting for two months now… and only get a copy and paste response saying that they’re working on it… whenever I email support… yesterday… a payment went through on a subscription that I forgot about… leaving my balance too low to still be able to afford the part when the charge would have gone through…

So… I had to cancel the order to avoid an overdraft fee… thankfully… when I canceled the order the support person gave me another site to check… they had the part for half the price… which meant that had enough in my account so I ordered it… we’ll see if it ever comes… my hopes are low due to my experience with HP… and considering they’re the ones who referred me…

We’ll see what happens… and of course… I’ll keep you posted as the updates come in…

And that concludes my introduction to the day… now let’s move on to see how I handled the theme from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Scrabble Day… which would have been an easy day to celebrate… back in the day… when I was still on Facebook… and still playing Words With Friends… not exactly Scrabble… but close enough…

Speaking of “close enough”… I found a close enough version of Scrabble called Classic Words… which allows you to play solo games… since playing with friends can take more than a week to complete one game… I just plan to celebrate one day…

Don’t get me wrong… I’m a fan… which is why I set the game to extremely difficult… after seeing that it was an option… I played one game… and I have to say… there was pretty good back and forth with the AI… enough so that I only won by one point… this actually scared me to the point where I wanted to retire after one match and be the lifetime undefeated grand champ of this solo Scrabble replacement…

Solo Scrabble Title
Solo Scrabble Board
Solo Scrabble Full Board
Solo Scrabble Final Score

But then came to write this post and realized that I should have taken a few screenshots… so… I reluctantly gave in and played a few more boards… and again… the AI almost beat me… but I won two more games and now that I have the above images… I am once again going to retire the lifetime undefeated grand champ of this solo Scrabble replacement… as my effort to celebrate Scrabble Day!!!

And with that… I’m going to consider today’s theme taken care of… now let’s see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Teach Your Children To Save Day… and once again… not having any children of my own… it’s going to be a difficult theme for me to fulfill… but… as I keep saying… these are usually the ones that push me out of my comfort zone… and typically end up being fun posts to write… so… we’ll see what I come up with… by some point tomorrow night at the latest…

But for now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…