365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day One-Hundred-Twelve 4/22/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number one-hundred-twelve of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… where I’ve spent the past several hours adding more metadata to pages from the past… pages I wrote way before ever learning of SEO… or at least back when I felt SEO was just some sort of scheme that marketers used to cheat the system… like coming up with ten different ways to say the same thing as a way to create content volume…

I’m still not fully sure if the changes to the metadata will turn this into a successful website… but… it’s nice to see my SEO score go up by one or two points each time that I make any changes… it’s also nice to feel like I’m getting something done… as opposed to the last couple of days… when I decided to take a break…

Now if I can just get back into writing mode when it comes time to create these posts… keeping in mind that I’m still adjusting to trying to feel creative while on mood-stabilizing meds… that keep me so even-keeled that I’m going to have to learn how to write with passion minus that chaos that I used to seek in my old extraverted life… where I was inspired by my constant confusion… and imbalanced mental states…

We’ll see if I even figure out how to both be creative and live a life with harmony…

Until then… I’m going to wrap up my rambling introduction to the day… now let’s move on to see how I handled the theme from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Volunteer Recognition Day… and to celebrate… I reflected back on the three years that I spent volunteering to do lighting for films before I started to get paid work… and I have to say… those were some of the best days of my life… even when compared against the gigs that paid very well…

For one… I love to learn… and since I went to film school for writing and not lighting… I didn’t always feel like that production were the ones getting away with not paying… because I got a free second education while in the field… and only paid for gas… I also liked that the free gigs felt more like school… and everyone was there to learn and have fun… while creating art…

The lower paying gigs carried this same energy… but… by the time I got to the point where I was in the lighting union… all of the fun was gone… and a day on the set was just another day at work… and it seemed like the more the gig paid the more that it became just about the paycheck… and don’t get me started on the complete disappearance of magic and charm…

Of course… there’s no way that I could have volunteered my entire life… but I’m glad that I went through that phase… and even happier that Volunteer Recognition Day brought back a few good memories that I really can use at this time…

With that… I’m going to consider today’s theme taken care of… now let’s see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Jelly Bean Day… which means that it’s time to arrange another ride to the store… SPOILER ALERT… to buy jelly beans… hopefully… Jelly Bellies… my favorite fruity treat… I don’t know what I’m going to write about these colorful beans… so… we’ll all have to wait for tomorrow to find out…

But for now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…