365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Seventy-Five - 3/16/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number seventy-five of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… where yesterday I finished the free 11 Hour SEO Bootcamp that I started over the weekend… though the lessons were pretty dry… I would recommend this Bootcamp if you would prefer an all-in-one collection of SEO content… as opposed to signing up for a bunch of three to four-hour courses that only cover a hand full of these topics at a time…

When it comes to design and coding… I prefer these Bootcamps… but… with marketing being such a chore to me… I prefer the ala carte route… to avoid getting too bored… because… even though I’m learning to accept the fact that I need marketing… I’m still not a fan of the subject… especially now that I’ve taken enough courses that I’m running into a lot of redundant content… but that’s good… since repetition is one way that I learn…

I’m about to return to adding metadata tags throughout the year 2015’s The Daily Breaker posts… having just finished 2014’s post on Saturday afternoon… but first… I must complete this paid Udemy course to learn a few tips… and tricks to improve your Squarespace design and SEO skills…

Squarespace tricks class

I decided to take this class to get a better grasp of creating custom CSS for when I have to flip through years worth of content in one sitting… and keep seeing design eyesores that I really want to change if I only had a better understanding of how Squarespace actually works under the hood… I really need to figure out how to finetune content for each screen size that works with the way they handle responsive design…

I’m also excited about this course because it claims it will help me better understand how Squarespace handles third-party resources… which has been the bane of my existence ever since I started to focus on SEO for this site… because their support team refuses to even make a suggestion when a third party is involved…

The game plan is to get through this course tonight so that I’ll be able to get back to the metadata task that should last the rest of this month…

Until then… I’m going to consider my marketing efforts for today to be done… now let’s see how I handled the assignment from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Learn About Butterflies Day… so… I decided to try something new… and come up with a list made up of interesting facts that… up until today… I had no idea where things that butterflies did… and with that… here it is…

My Butterflies and Butter Cakes Painting…

Ten Fun Facts That I Just Learned About Butterflies…

  1. Butterflies are picky about what they eat…

  2. They are like elephants in that they eat with their proboscis...

  3. They have taste receptors in their feet…

  4. They eat poop and drink tears…

  5. Many butterflies have wings that look like snakeheads to scare off predators…

  6. Their wings are actually transparent…

  7. Monarch butterflies take advantage of medicinal plants for medicinal reasons…

  8. There are bloodsucking butterflies…

  9. Butterflies remember their days as caterpillars…

  10. Butterflies have no hearts…

And that’s what I learned about butterflies for Learn About Butterflies Day…

And with that… I’m done with the task from yesterday… now it is time to see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Consumer Rights Day… and that means we’re back to a day that I can’t think of a task to fulfill the theme off of the top of my head… but… I kind of want to see if YouTube has any of the Consumer Reports show that I used to love as a child… to maybe watch an episode or two if it’s there… hopefully it is… because I loved that show when I was a little kid… and would love to share a modern-day review with you… either way… we’ll have to wait to see what I can find…

And now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…