365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Ninety-Four 4/4/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number ninety-four of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… which is a day also known as Easter… so… I may be rushing through this post to free up some holiday/weekend relaxation time… I could also use the break because I spent the last three days busting my hump to get through the first assignment from my free month towards a Udacity NanoDegree in Front End Web Development

The program is supposed to take four months to complete… I’m going to attempt to complete it in four weeks… which I know that I can… if they’ll allow it… I think I saw that… while studying for free… I have to stick to a slower timeline… and can only turn in an assignment or two during the trial period… probably to avoid people like me from getting both the education and the degree for free…

If this is the case… I may just have to pay for the extra month that I’d need… because I have been wanting to take this Front End Web Dev course ever since I earned my Androids Basics NanoDegree… at full price… I think that course took me two months… keeping in mind that… at the time… coding was still new to me… now that I’m more of a novice… I feel like I’ll be able to shave off a little more needed time…

Again… this secondary site will not only be a way for me to learn to rebuild The Wicker Breaker from code… but it will also be a site for me to implement any new marketing concepts I learn correctly in the first place… instead of how I’m doing it now… where I have to add any marketing strategies after the fact… often messing things up in the process… which is why progress on this secondary project will count towards this challenge’s marketing efforts for the day…

And with that… I’m going to consider today’s marketing effort to be done… now let’s move on to see how I handled the theme from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Walk To Work Day… and to celebrate I’m going to promote another entry from 365 Days Of Resolution… this time by sharing Resolution #32… where I successfully took twenty-six one-hour long walks and found a different letter from the alphabet during each venture… like the old alphabet game that we used to play while on long trips in cars when I was a kid…

Yes… this resolution has nothing to do with walking to work… but… I was also walking to work at the time because my job was two blocks from my apartment… so I walked there by default… I have to say… though I hated the fact that I saw my workplace every time that I left my abode… I wasn’t complaining when I was at my front door while my coworkers were still pulling out of the parking lot…

The only commute that’s been better… is my current situation where I work from home… so I technically also celebrated the day by walking from my bed to my desk…

And now that today’s theme is out of the way… let’s see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is School Librarian Day… which is a day that I have no idea how to even start celebrating right now… but.. I’m sure that I figure something out by the time that I check in again tomorrow… as always with these sorts of days… I can’t wait to see what I manage to say…

But for now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…