365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Ninety-Six 4/6/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number ninety-six of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… and I’m getting a bit of a late start due to lack of motivation… and again… I’m not sure if it’s my new meds… or if I’m just burning out again… keeping in mind that I have yet to miss a post ever since I started this project… also keeping in mind that this is the first daily project that I’ve worked on since taking a burnout-based break two years ago…

Ever since I started these new meds… my overall energy has been much lower than normal… making most of the posts from the past month and a half more of a chore than usual… actually… the more that I think of it… it’s not the writing of the posts that difficult… it’s more the fact that… as soon as I’m done with the writing portion of the day… I seem to lose a lot of the energy that I used to have to work on any behind-the-scenes work… behind-the-scenes work that would typically inspire the next day’s post…

I’m hoping that if I power through these down moments and post no matter what… I’ll get back to the point where the writing comes second nature… just like before I took my burnout-based break… where I wrote for almost an entire year while feeling like I was on auto-pilot… and not in a negative way… so… maybe I should say second nature… since auto-pilot seems to imply that when I’m writing in that state that I simply let go of the wheel… when it’s more like I felt like I was always inspired and ready to go…

It may also have helped that I was reviewing one of my favorite television shows… and not working through a book about marketing…

Either way… I’m going to consider this to be today’s introductory effort… now let’s move on to see how I handled the theme from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Go For Broke Day… which may be another reason that I’m feeling a little down… considering the fact that I decided to go for broke about thirty years ago… and though I’m still going for “it” I’m also still broke… as you can see by the revenue stats that I share at the end of each post…

After all… it wasn’t until after I start to think about how to handle today’s task that I started to feel a bit down… with one part pride in the effort that I’ve put into this life and an equal part of regret that I’m not further ahead than I am… when an assignment like this comes in… it can send my head into either direction… and right now that direction is just a little down… but… I’m not afraid that I won’t be back up by tomorrow…

And with that… I’m going to consider today’s theme taken care of… now let’s see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Plan Your Epitaph Day… which may be yet another reason that I’m feeling down… but… I’m not going to try to not let thinking of my own death ruin another night… since I already know how I plan to handle this task… but… you’ll have to wait for tomorrow… to see what I come up with…

But for now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…