365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Ninety-Seven 4/7/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number ninety-seven of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… and once again… I’m still learning to cope with trying to be productive while adjusting to new drugs… drugs that do help to balance my bipolar moods… only I don’t know how to handle the flatness… with the ups and downs there are peaks and valleys to report on…

While things are stable… it can feel like I’m driving through the flattest part of Texas… looking for a rest area… without even any other traffic to distract from the same old view… maybe next time I talk to my pill doctor… I’ll see if there are any mood boosters that may help… but for now… all I can do is ride out the boredom and home I don’t scare too many people off while I drone…

Either way… I’m going to consider this to be today’s introductory effort… now let’s move on to see how I handled the theme from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Plan Your Epitaph Day… which is another reason I’m down… because I’m trying to get over my obsessive fear of death… with that said… in the past… death used to a goto subject… more as a morbid fascination about the meaning of this existence over an obsession with the lack of an internal light…

In order to celebrate this morbid day… I’m once again going to share an old resolution from the 365 Days Of Resolution challenge that I often turn to when an entry both meets the needs of the day’s theme while also promoting old work… today I’ll be sharing Resolution #352 where I planned to buy my own tombstone… complete with an epitaph making it ready for my future grave…

And with that… I’m going to consider today’s theme taken care of… now let’s see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Caramel Popcorn Day… which I’m excited about… not just because it’s food… but also because it’s something frivolous… which is already helping with my mood… as I plan my trip up to The Dollar Tree to find a celebratory treat… maybe my trip to the store will lead to something fun… but… we’ll all have to wait for tomorrow… to see how it all turns out…

But for now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…