Dateline 10-16-2017

Even though I didn't end up getting a single thing done, other than the bare minimum to meet my daily obligations, I'd consider this weekend of rest to be a much-needed break from my daily routine. That's always been my favorite thing about being sick, even when I was in school I loved it when I was genuinely ill because it gave me a legitimate excuse to do nothing but stay in bed and watch TV while my body recouped its lost energy. 

As you may or may not know, I caught a cold on Thursday night following my venture out to be amongst crowd first the first time in at least four years when I went to the RuPaul Drag Show. I'm guessing that my immune system is weak from being a shut-in for so long because I felt my first sniffle come on before the show was even over.

This led me to be bedridden for three days, possibly four, depending on how I feel once I finish up today's obligatory posts. Anyways, unlike other lost weekends that I consider to be "breaks" where I buy a bunch of booze to drink the boredom away, I wouldn't consider this weekend of sleep to be the same frivolous waste of time. 

Now that I don't drink on a daily basis, when weekends do end up getting lost to booze, I end up with a slow start to my week as I recover from "the good times." Since the sickness was already in me and I wasn't adding more I feel that this weekend of rest both my spirits and my mood.

To help lighten my mood even more, I also discovered a YouTube channel about a family who is transitioning from city living to a life where they're off the grid. I first found a feature-length documentary on Amazon Prime that showed this family as they build an underground music studio with an art room on top for around two thousand bucks where the finished project looked like the house of my dreams with more space that I would ever need.

Not only was this structure within an affordable price range, the effort that it took to build the abode seemed realistically achievable. That's not to say that I'm able and ready to do this on my own I do now have a potential goal for when I finally figure out how to create a dependable income stream to where I can work from anywhere in the world, which is my ultimate end goal.

So, even though I'm still far off from being able to accomplish anything like what was seen in the documentary, it did inspire new realistic/achievable goals for the house of my dreams where I want to spend the rest of my life in a relaxed environment to writing out all of my stories.

After watching the documentary I discovered that the family has a YouTube channel and this feature film was simply made up from a collection of their videos that focused on their biggest project to date. It turns out that the family has an entire compound of these family made homes with videos that share their progress, which is what I've been binge-watching to help get me through my sickness.

This choice in entertainment worked twofold. For one, it rekindled my interested in off-grid living by showing that it is achievable. For the second fold, it was nice to see this family working together which was an uplifting change of tune considering, I spent the last couple weeks obsessing over the events in the news that made it impossible to not feel down.

So now, I am watching their backlog of YouTube videos to entertaining on what I hope is my last day of recovering from this cold. I'm looking forward to my first full day of feeling back to 100% especially now that I have this revitalized change in attitude thanks to being forced to focus on the mylittlehomestead channel since I was too sick to multitask.

I'm sure that I'm going to go back to my darker sources of entertainment as soon as I get all caught up and watch all these YouTube videos and heal up, but until then, I'm happy with this experience because I desperately needed a break from my daily rituals that are usually fueled by anxiety and fear.

Oh well, I have no idea if this will ever lead to anything but as I said, I at least now have a more achievable goal to strive for in my efforts to live a life where I'm in full control. I don't think I'm going to get anywhere closer to achieving any goals by the time I check in tomorrow but I'll be sure to share any updates as to what I do manage to achieve.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker