Dateline 10-17-2017

Alright, I think I am finally over this cold and even if there are a few straggling symptoms they are weak enough that I will easily be able to work through it. As I said yesterday, I'm actually fine with this round of sickness being that it forced me to take a genuine break as opposed to my usual efforts to take time off where I just go easy on myself for not getting as much work done as I would like.

Again, since a majority of my time is committed to my own personal projects so this isn't a case of woe, is me. No, I'm just noticing the difference between a non-sick day off, which I'm realizing is nothing more than a normal day minus expectations, and a sick day off where I truly clock out and don't think twice about the things that I should be doing instead.

I spent the last four days in this truly clocked out mode following my Daily Breaker post and daily Saturday Night Live review. These two tasks have become a part of my daily routine to where I don't mind doing either activity, leading neither activity to be included in what I consider to be a break.

As soon as I finish my review for the day, I'd take my NyQuil and head straight to bed where spent the rest of my day in a cold med haze watching documentaries. Even the documentary watching was a nice change because on my usual "days off," even when I do manage to slack off and do zero work, I normally sit at my computer, as usual, listening to the same podcasts that I would on a normal "busy day."

It turns out that getting away from the workspace and switching up my routine led to a full-blown reset that I need to attempt to achieve more often. Right now I feel great in a way that I haven't felt in a while. My mind feels clear and my mood is great but I know this is only temporary since I know as soon as I get back to business as usual, I'll be back to juggling many different ideas in my head that lead me to constantly feel burnt out.

Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with this process that leaves me feeling burnt out because it the price one pays for jumping through various realms of reality and living in other's heads in an effort to come up with compelling stories. Whether or not you agree that my work is worth the wear and tear doesn't really matter because if you think I suck, that just means I'm working twice as hard, fighting a war when I'm ill-equipped since I'm not going to give up until I either make it or die since I'm pretty much pot committed.

Hopefully, now that I have this new refreshed outlook on life, I'll get back to my productive schedule. The only thing that I'm worried about is that I might be in too good of a mood to easily get back to the dark mindset that's required to rewrite my novel. Ideally, I'll eventually get to the point where I can just write anything without having to sync up my frame of mind. 

Oh well, we'll see what happens and as always, I'll check in tomorrow with what does.

Talk to you then,

The Wicker Breaker