Dateline 11-1-2017

Mission Accomplished!!! 

Last night I successfully completed the second draft of my very first novel, meeting the impromptu deadline that I set in order to clear my plate and free up enough time to participate in this year's NaNoWriMo challenge.

As I've said in past posts, I'm excited about this year's novel writing challenge because it will be my first attempt to write an original fictional piece for the first time in close to four years. Not just that, but this will also be the first novel that I write from scratch since up until now I have only adapted my screenplays.

To add to the excitement, I'm also a bit thrilled because I still have no idea what I plan to write. Sure, I've thrown around a couple ideas in my head but I eventually gave up on committing to anything, opting to fly by the seat of my pants instead. I don't know why but this approach seems more appealing to me.

There's just something more romantic about sitting down to a blank page and living in the fictional moment.  I can't wait to see what I finally commit to. Though I'm sure this new novel will probably be a story based on one of the above mentioned passing thoughts, I never delved deeper than a general premise so the plot points and storylines are still an exciting mystery to me that I can't wait to get to as soon as I finish today's review of Saturday Night Live.

So with that, it's time to get to work. As always, I'll check in tomorrow with an update on what I get into.

Talk to you then.


The Wicker Breaker