Dateline 10-31-2017

Alright, it's deadline day!!! Thanks to all the hard work that I put in over the past couple of days I only have fourteen pages to go which is an easy goal to achieve. I set this deadline mainly to have a clean plate to start this year's NaNoWriMo which officially starts tomorrow, so it won't be all that horrible if I don't manage to pull this off, it's just nice to meet a goal.

If for whatever reason, I don't manage to get things done, I should only be short by a couple pages that I could easily knock out before I officially start my day. I'm not really worried that it will come to this though, because not only have I been averaging fifteen pages a day which is one page over my target, the fact that it's a deadline I simply won't go to sleep until I'm done.

I'm very excited about the prospects of getting this done because this will not only be the first draft of a non-blog piece of my own personal work that I've completed in a couple years, it also going to be the first time that I attempt to write a fictional piece from scratch in almost the same amount of years. In fact, the piece that I write for NaNoWriMo will be my very first attempt at a novel that's not an adaptation of my prior work.

As I said above, I'm excited about the prospects of finishing the old and starting a new but I'm also a bit nervous because, at this point, I still have zero idea as to what I'm going to write this upcoming novel about. That said, this isn't my biggest concern being that flying by the seat of your pants is kind of the goal of NaNoWriMo since their main goal is to get you to write whether you're ready or not.

No, my main concern is that I'm not quite sure if I still have it in me to write like I did in the past. Granted, I do feel that my technical skills have grown but, thanks to my stagnant life, I no longer feel as confident in my ability to be creative. Ever since I separated myself from my social life, I feel, I lost much of the passion that added the life to my stories. Now, I think the concepts are still there but I'm not sure if I can still write characters who come across as authentic.

Keep in mind, these fears stem from the fact that I'm so out of practice when it comes to writing fiction so we'll see tomorrow whether or not they're valid. Until then, it's time to stop rambling on about my plans and actually get to work.

Talk to you tomorrow with an update as to how things end up turning out.


The Wicker Breaker