Dateline 12-15-2017

Oops, I really ended up dropping the ball last night and barely got any writing done at all due to my poor planning. I wanted to get all of my blog stuff out of the way first thing in the morning as usual then do a little daytime smoking so I could play during the afternoon. The idea was that I was going to take my nap a little later in the day so that I could stay up all night and work on rewriting my novel.

I know it might sound silly for an old man like me to still have a daily nap but it really helps me regain my focus since writing all day can really wear out my mind. I also know that it might sound silly for a grown ass man to need play time but by play I mean watch TV and just goof off the way everyone does when they get home from work which can be hard when your home is your office and you have a never-ending backlog of work to keep you busy.

So, now that I've gotten my acceptance of silliness out of the way, my silly ass got a little too stoned and lost track of time and before I knew it, I was still awake and playing around the time that I planned to wake up. This wasn't that big of a deal because that just meant that I would only be an hour or two off as that's how long I planned to nap so I figured I'd just sleep then and add the missed time to the end of my night.

Then, right when I went to lie down, I got a text asking if I wanted something dinner because there was some take-out to be eaten inside the main house (as a reminder to any potential new readers, I live in a garage and not some fancy guest home.) Being stoned, of course, I wanted some food, so I figured I'd push my deadline to sleep to fit in a real quick meal.

The next thing I knew, I was approaching my normal bedtime. The still didn't bother me because I started to think if I were to sleep for four or five hours instead of a quick nap, I could wake in the early AM which is my favorite time to write. I finally crashed at about 9:32 in the PM and was out cold for the rest of the night.

Though I am disappointed that I didn't fit in as much productive time as I had hoped for, I'm also so happy to get that long of a solid sleep to where I now feel refreshed with a clear mind and feel like I can write all day without even needing a break. That said, I'll still take my midday nap because as I've said in the past, I see these midday naps as a form of meditation over being about sleep because most of the time I just lie there with my eyes closed and get no sleep at all but I still love the hour of silence.

So, that's how yesterday went down and now it's time to start today's work. As always, I'll check in tomorrow with what I end up getting into. Until then, it's now that time to say good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker