Dateline 12-18-2017

Holy mackerel, the end of the year is right on my tail and it's going to be a close call as to whether or not I meet all of my deadlines. I'm good as far as the SNL reviews go since I'm already ahead by two reviews in order to take Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off to celebrate the holidays with my family up at my sister's place.

As far as these Daily Breaker posts go, I'm never all that worried since I can always find time to fit in about one page worth of rambling no matter where I am. Hell, I can even write up a post on my phone if I end up getting stranded and desperate, or I could simply ask to use one of the kid's computers.

My main concern is whether or not I will finish the current draft of my novel in time to then convert it into a legitimate eBook through software that I hope to be able to afford with any Christmas money that I may receive. If it were any other month, I wouldn't have that much concern because I still have plenty of time minus the mystery of holiday distractions. 

Not only do I have the family festivities to attend but my little sister is also flying in and now that she's taken over my role as the wayward child, there's often lots of stuff going on whenever she's in town that can make keeping my focus be a bit of a difficult task. 

Luckily, the idea to share my novel is actually a project within a project so if worst comes to worst, day one will just be the official announcement of my overall plan to promote the book with the promise of delivering it real soon. Though I hope that it doesn't come to this point because I'd much rather have the finished product on hand, I also don't want to rush the process and risk sharing my work before it's ready.

Oh well, I'll never get anything done if I keep rambling on with this post so, with that, it's now time to move on to my next task. As always, I'll be sure to check in tomorrow with another update on my progress. Until then, it's now that time where I say good day and good luck to you and all of your project.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker