Dateline 12-21-2017

It's day number three and there's still paid work to be done. I have mixed feeling about this as these tasks usually only last for a day or two so I am excited that it's still going so that I can continue to make money but at the same time there is that part of me that wishes the work would dry up so that I can get back to working on the next draft of my novel without feeling any guilt. 

Hopefully, there is enough work left to last at least one more day because as of now, I don't really feel the motivation to work on anything that I actually care about so I wouldn't mind mindlessly working for the next several hours to replenish my pot supply with a higher grade of weed to help me regulate my sleep in the future.

Right now, I am smoking the cheap stuff and though it does really help me in getting to sleep it feels completely worthless when it comes to recreational use. Because of this, I bought another box of wine last night to help me transition into sleep since the mindless task that I am working on to earn a paycheck requires so little brain activity that by the time I would try to wrap things up so that I could go to sleep, my brain wakes up and want to play.

This doesn't happen when I work on my own stuff where at the end of the day, I am usually so burnt out from over thinking that I usually just have to take a few hits of my meds to calm my body to send me off to slumberland.

Since I ended up drinking last night, I now feel a bit hung over and just want to crawl back into bed instead of doing anything at all. I really hope that this doesn't affect my SNL review especially since I'm working on not that exciting of a season.

Oh well, we'll see what ends up happening and of course, I'll check in tomorrow with an update as to how everything turns out. Until then, it's now that time to say good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you tomorrow.


The Wicker Breaker