Dateline 12-22-2017

I think I'm officially done trying to say anything serious on social media, which is something that I am only tempted to do when I am drunk in the first place, so it shouldn't be all that hard to give it up. It usually starts with me attempting to say something witty about the current state of affairs then devolves into rambling rants with a few half-assed attempts at humor on the off chance that anyone calls me out on my nonsense.

Not that it matters because no one interacts with me on social media unless I share a silly picture or quote obscure lines from old movies. Other than that, I seem to be getting the silent treatment ever since I left Seattle and started to silence most people who used to be in my world because it was too painful to see the reminders that these people are no longer in my life so it's no real mystery why I never get the response that I'm after.

Even when people do respond they either add to the joke aspect while ignoring what I'm really trying to say, or I get yelled at for having the correct line of thinking but my reasoning isn't good enough for the person who is passionate enough to chime in.

It sucks because I really feel like I am now censoring myself and I can feel these suppressed thoughts building to where I'm feeling more irritated with both sides that are creating this divide that everyone loves to talk about while widening the gap themselves. This worries me because my issues are rather rational so I could only imagine how outraged someone could get over this same feeling of censorship to where I can see even more people acting out as we continue to draw lines in the sand with an expectation of 100% agreement or death.

Oh well, at least I have this site to express myself however I want. Thankfully, for the most part, I want to keep my content on the light side which is another thing that this new world seems to lack. With that, it's now time to get on with my other tasks. As always, I'll be back tomorrow for another update. Until then, it's that time to say good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker