Operation Achieve Anything: Day Twenty, Dateline 1-20-2018

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.
— Jim Rohn

Welcome back Crickets, it’s now time for some more fun and games as I continue to work through Achieve Anything In Just One Year as part of my Operation Achieve Anything challenge. Though I might have seemed a bit down over the past couple of days, I’m actually still enjoying the process; it just turns out that one can’t be happy all of the time.

It doesn’t seem to help that don’t read any of the book’s daily assignments in advance so I can’t really brace myself for any of the thought-based tasks that might tap into any of the areas of my life that get me a little down. I could sit down to write in a perfectly good mood only to be hit, from out of the blue, with a task where I have to sort through my failures from the past mentally.

I say, “out of the blue,” not because I don’t expect the assignment but because I don’t always expect the reaction the assignments evoke. For the most part, I get bummed out by the tasks that are supposed to be empowering that I’ve implemented into my life way before even finding this book but have yet to feel the promised outcome.

This is the case with yesterday’s assignment where I was supposed to think about how music and how it affects my mood. The book claims that music is an excellent tool for when you’re feeling down and need to lift your spirit. The only problem is, I’m more drawn to depressing music like the ‘90s-style punk that evolved into Emo, of girls with cute voices softly singing about lost love.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of music out there that really amps me up when I’m already in a good mood, but even then I’m usually drawn to more depressing tunes. That said, I do get the point of the assignment because I will often fire up a romantically depressing playlist to create the right mental atmosphere for scribing my dramatic tomes.

The last few assignment may make me look like a contrarian but that’s my attempt, by any means since I always see the point, I’m just sharing my outlook by answering the questions honestly, especially at this time while the tasks are based in thought and not actual calls to action. I'm fully prepared to revisit a concept or technique that the book suggests even if I doubt the results.

Today’s assignment is going to be a fun one since I get to examine my flaws by thinking of a situation where I’ve avoided personal responsibility and make a plan to change. I have to admit that part of the reason I feel this will be fun is that I get to tap into the negative aspects of life in finding said situation since pessimism is probably the biggest problem that I need to overcome, but I’m also excited to the planning portion of this assignment.

We’ll see what I manage to come up with when I share my results in tomorrow’s installment of this ongoing Special Edition of The Daily Breaker, where, no matter how down I sound, is still a blast to me. Until then, it’s now that time where I say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.