Operation Achieve Anything: Day Eight, Dateline 1-8-2018

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
— Helen Keller

Welcome to week number two of Operation Achieve Anything!!! If the rest of this challenge/year goes as smoothly as week one, I'll be a very happy camper by this time next year. Whether or not I actually meet my goal, the Achieve Anything... book that I'm using as a guide is giving me a sense of legitimacy when writing these Daily Breaker blog posts by providing a linear structure to this segment as opposed to the daily ramblings that I used to do.

Granted, there used to be some continuity but more in the way of a diary or journal where any running narrative was purely coincidental depending on what I actually did on any given day. This new approach is helpful because it provides a beginning and an end with the middle being the assignments that I share so that by the time that I'm done, I'll have a documented journey and not just random goings-on.

With that, it's now time to see what the book has in store for me today. First off, two days ago, I was assigned to create a list of achievable short-term goals like cleaning, or reading, or finally writing that letter to someone special; think more day-to-day tasks that need to be done while continuing to work through the ultimate year-long goal.

It wasn't that hard for me to complete this challenge because I'm a bit of a list person already. It was interesting to see that most of my list items were made up of cleaning tasks. This totally makes sense because I've never really had a problem with procrastination when it comes to writing or major tasks that I've gotten myself into, but when it comes to cleaning and maintenance, these tasks often fall by the wayside which is why it helps to see them in list form.

Though I wasn't required to complete any of these tasks at the time, yesterday's assignment provided closure for the cliffhanger by having me pick at least one task from the list and think about how it made me feel. Up until this assignment, I had a stack of boxes filled with Chrismas decor sitting in the middle of my room waiting to be put away. They were sitting there for days because I was too lazy to clean the shelves where they go, so I opted to make this my goal.

When all was said and done, it ended up taking less than a half an hour to get the shelves clean and the boxes put away. In doing so, not only am I now done with that task and can forget about these boxes until the end of the year, but my room also looks a lot cleaner in general. Sure I still need to legitimately clean my place, but this was a pretty good start.

For the most part, my observations from this assignment were a bit cliche and could be summarized through inspirational bumper stickers, but I see how the assignment fits into the big picture of this overall map towards achieving my goal and felt that it was well worth my time and energy.

Today's assignment has me a little nervous about what's to come, but luckily, at this point, it's just another thought experiment that I'm willing to bet I'll have to act on in the upcoming days. For this assignment, I'm supposed to think of the partnerships in my life and moments where I lent out my hand or reached out for help and why this is so important.

So with that, it's now time to finish the rest of my tasks so I can get to my thinking for this assignment. Of course, I'll share my insights when I check in tomorrow to share my results along with my next assignment. Until then, it's now that time to say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.