Operation Achieve Anything: Day Nine, Dateline 1-9-2018

What lies behind us, and what lies before of us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here we go with day number nine of Operation Achieve Anything!!! Unfortunately, this isn't going to be all that exciting of a post since yesterday's assignment was more of a thought experiment to introduce an idea than a call to action that might have given me something to report on.

The primary focus of yesterday's assignment was to think about any partnerships that I currently have or have had in the past and how well I am at giving and receiving help. Though I'm a bit of a lone wolf these days, I used to volunteer my services a lot back when I was working in film, and in exchange, every once in a while, people would volunteer their services to help out with my projects.

I really loved this collaborative process, but I have a problem where I've never felt all that appreciated, not just for work but for my efforts in life in general. Don't get me wrong, I've felt people really liked me and had a little more fun when I was around, but I've always felt like I was easily replaceable which admittedly more of an issue with my line of thinking than a reality-based fear.

Whether or not I actually am appreciated is an issue of its own since I'm aware that these thoughts are based on my own insecurities. This does, however, come into play when it comes to asking for help from others. Being that I don't know how to feel appreciated, I struggle with sharing any appreciation of my own. That's not to say that I feel like a slave driver, but I don't like being the one in control since I feel like a jerk for asking anyone to do anything unless I have money to pay.

This might sound like a bad thing to admit in a challenge where I eventually plan to seek out volunteers. That’s why my hopes for this project are that people will read my book Chuck Norris Would Never Write This Book, A Diary of Undiagnosed Disorders: Part One and like it enough to chip in and help out with micro-tasks.  The micro-tasks I have in mind are things like pointing out typos, or donating illustrations and images, or even sharing their feedback and other small one-off tasks that don't require anyone to really bust their ass.

Hopefully, I'll figure out some balance in that area of my life, but that's all I've got to share as far as yesterday's assignment is concerned. For today's assignment, the Achieve Anything... book wants me to write a definition of myself while sharing five things I like, five things I'd change, and finishing on the color of my soul and why?

I'm going to get to this really soon while the assignment is still fresh in my mind, but you'll have to wait until I check in with tomorrow's update in order to hear my insights. Until then, it's now that time to say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.