Operation Achieve Anything: Day Sixty-One, Dateline 3-2-2018

We need to find the courage to say NO to the things and people that are not serving us if we want to rediscover ourselves and live our lives with authenticity.
— Barbara De Angelis

Good morning Crickets. Welcome to day number sixty-one of Operation Achieve Anything where I am gearing up for a low-key weekend to finish off this multi-week stint of doing the bare minimum to get by. I don’t know why I beat myself up over these bare minimum days because though I don’t get to everything that I want to, I always make sure my obligations have been met before switching into a less productive mode.

Sometimes, I really wish that I could go back to being a full-blown slacker like back when I worked a traditional nine-to-five and used my paycheck to justify my life. Back then, I had no problem wasting an entire day watching movies or TV without feeling any guilt at all. As opposed to having bouts where I felt burnt out that led me to slow up on my progress, I’d have bouts of productivity where I would get all of my personal projects done so that I could get right back to slacking.

As much as I miss having constant money for booze, I feel much more fulfilled now that my priorities are focused on my own projects and when I go into slacker mode, I’m mainly avoiding optional work or looking for opportunities to get paid. I know, I’m in no position to pass up paid work but I just have different priorities than those seeking normalcy in order to live a more traditional life. Granted, my gamble may never end up paying out but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.

I don’t know if it’s subliminal or what but once again, today’s introduction accidentally ended up transitioning rather well into the update on yesterday’s assignment about owning your personal responsibilities that I’m about to share. Well, actually there’s not all that much to write about since all I was asked to do was write down yesterday’s quote of “Think what you feel, say what you think, do what you say, feel what you do,” and carry it around in my wallet in order to have quick access to look at it as a reminder if I need it.

All I have to say about this assignment is done and done. As for today’s assignment, I’m supposed to head back to my notebook and spend more time writing about my dreams and desires for life without worrying about how to achieve them. This portion of today’s task is meant to get me to visualize where I want to go so that when people attempt to pull me away from my goal, I could start to use the power of personal responsibility and practice the art of saying no to unnecessary detours.

As always, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow’s update to see what I manage to come up with in order to fulfill this task. Until then, it’s now time to sign off as usual by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.