Operation Achieve Anything: Day Ninety-Three, Dateline 4-3-2018

Failure teaches success.
— Japanese Saying

Good morning Crickets!!! Welcome to day number ninety-three of Operation Achieve Anything. Before I get into the assignments that I’m supposed to sharing for today, I would like to add an addendum to the assignment from a couple of days about where the focus was failing forward. As I went to work on yesterday’s task, I failed to get all that far but I failed forward because I didn’t complete the task at hand due to a new work assignment that came in right when I sat down to get to work on yesterday’s assignment, which is great because I could really use another payday real soon.

Thankfully, this new short-term gig only hampered my efforts as I was still able to get a lot of my personal work done due to the fact that this job only allows me to fit in five hours a day instead of the thirty hours a week cap that I’m used to. Normally, since the work assignments I receive are on a first come first serve basis, I tend to work as long as I can keep my eyes open in hopes that I can fit in as many hours as I can before the workload dries out.

The company that hired me said that the work should last until Friday, which would be awesome but this company is also always way off on their predictions on how long the work will last. Either way, with this five hour a day limit, I still have plenty of time to fit in blog work as well as work on a couple of behind-the-scenes personal projects.

Yesterday’s failure forward only lasted for the five hours where I had to work. As soon as I was done, I got right back into fulfilling yesterday’s assignment which was to face my fears of failure and start working on something that I’ve been putting off. If you read these post on the regular, you might pick up on the fact that I am perfectly confident in my ability to successfully complete any personal project that I set out to achieve as far as the actual project goes. This confidence isn’t as present when it comes to promoting my work.

Part of the problem is that when I make claims that I want to be a writer, I picture in my head that people think that I want to be the next Ernest Hemmingway when really I would love to be a writer that Hemmingway fans would consider a hack, but the weird boys and girls with funny colored hair and covered in tattoos would find me relatable enough to enjoy my work even if I never become a favorite author to anyone.

Because I’ve never felt like I would ever be marketable to the masses, I’ve always struggled to figure out how to promote my work in traditional ways. I’ve tried to market my work in quirky ways in hope to randomly be discovered but these attempts were so subtle that they were only ignored by family and friends and maybe stumbled upon by a few confused random people who were not the market I was shooting for.

So, the fear that I decided to face was to put an effort into promoting this site in order to get it in front of more people since I don’t necessarily need the masses to read and like my work but I definitely need for more people to be aware that it’s out there. In order to do this, I started to sign up for a few social media sites that are more gear toward people who like to blog.

As soon as I finished my paid work, I then moved on to create a couple of profile in order to at least get the ball rolling. It’s probably going to take quite a while for me to transfer over all of my content in order to get these accounts to the point where they are ready to share, but as for now, I’m pleased as punch that the Achieve Anything… book inspired me enough to get started. Not only that, but I’m now excited to start exploring these other areas of the internet since I’ve grown bored with the handful of sites that I currently visit on the regular.

Just so you know, as soon as I fit in my five hours off work, I’m going to jump right back into where I left off last night before I had to give up and go to bed. In order to do so, I must now move on to share today’s assignment where I’m supposed to reflect on the quote of the day and really think about whether or not I believe that failure can act like a teacher.

Spoiler: I don’t know if I’d still be writing to this day if I had actually landed my first close call back in my early to mid-twenties. Of course, you’ll have to wait for tomorrow’s update for more details, as usual, so, until then, it’s now time to wrap this thing up by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.