365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Ninety-One 4/1/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number ninety-one of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… where… this morning… I woke up nice and early… and having nothing else to do… I went back to work adding metadata to The Daily Breaker posts from 2015… as an effort to improve this site’s SEO… only this time I did it for fun… and not as an obligation… so… I think my mini-break to avoid burnout might be done…

It may also help that I started to test out SEO analytic tools again… and just signed up for Seo Site Checkup’s free 14-day trial offer… which motivates me because I’m back to having a score that lets me know if I’m making positive or negative changes… but… I’ve been on from using analytic tools since my current SEO task will probably take the rest of this month to complete… and it’s a task that I don’t need tools for outside of needing the motivation…

TheWickerBreaker.com SEO Score

So far… I like the simplicity of Sea Site Checkup… I feel like the tier that I’m trying would be good for beginners who don’t want to be overwhelmed… which makes it a great service to experiment with over the next 14 days… because it will allow me to find smaller problems to fix when trying to switch things up and take mini breaks from implementing metadata to The Daily Breaker posts from 2015… without being tempted to switch over to work on more complex fixes…

I’ll get to those fixes in due time…

Until then… I’m going to consider the marketing portion of today to be done… so that I can move on to share how I handled the theme from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was I Am In Control Day… or… Wednesday… as I like to call it… considering the fact that… my life may be a train wreck of a mess… but I’ve never stepped away from the steering wheel… I’ve just let others help out with some of the lesser important controls… at least while trying to get my health back under control…

I feel like I took control in elementary school… after my parents’ divorce… when I got a paper route and moved into my first garage and live in there like it was my own studio apartment all the way through the rest of my years living at home while going to school… I moved into the garage of the party house that I spent most of my time at next…

It wasn’t until I moved to Seattle back in 1997 that I moved into my first official bedroom… which was after living in a hooker motel for a couple of months until I landed a job at Amazon… and after I lived in a dining room that was converted into a room for rent…

Though bedroom living wasn’t for me… as Amazon grew… so did everyone else’s respect for me… and this allowed me to get through my twenties without anyone questioning me… then… when I started to lose that Amazon steam… I had a close call with success with a screenplay that I wrote for Beetlejuice from Howard Stern… the movie was never made… but it did land me an agent… a scholarship to film school… and a few more years of people thinking that I was in total control…

To add to the fun… I then started to work doing lighting for film and television… where everyone in the industry seemed to be fighting for the freedom to do what they want… and even though I was completely broke… I wouldn’t trade the control I owned over my own life for anything else in the world… that’s why… when I left the creative industry and started to work retail… I may have had a more respectable job… but… not having control of my schedule was like living a life in hell…

It was at that point where I felt like I was stuck… and rather than continue to drudge through a nine to five life… I opted instead to throw all of my life’s structure away… and why I can now live happily while making just a little over ten bucks a day between this website and a couple of other resources… yes I have to freeload as far as rent goes… but I wouldn’t trade the control that I have over my tiny world for any income that may take any freedoms from me that I’m not for…

And there you have my celebration of today’s theme… now let’s move on to see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is She’s Funny That Way Day… and it’s a good thing my dog is a girl because she really fits this theme… but… of course… we’ll have to all wait for tomorrow to see which of her quirky traits I’ll share… it is getting hot out… so the way that she may be funny might end up being how she handles the pool… either way… I look forward to writing more about my old pup…

But for now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…