Dateline 10-19-2017

I'm so excited to be back in my normal groove following a week of being bed-ridden with a cold which directly followed a weekend where I wasn't able to work on my novel rewrite due to a family event. Yeah, I have been chipping away at this project, reworking a page or two a day if I had the energy or focus to accomplish any more than my daily obligations.

Last night, I wasn't even planning to be all that productive but my sister and her fiance took my nephew out to find Pokemon and my mom was out preparing for her weekend trip meaning family time was starting late. Not only that but I had an extra peace of mind from having the place completely to myself, so I took advantage of the situation and managed to rewrite close to ten pages of content.

Again, I have my own space where I come and go as I please but there's something in me to where if people are home I feel guilty for my hermit ways. This guilt plays into my writer's block because I don't want anyone to think that I'm avoiding them when all I really want to do is focus on my work. The hope is that my efforts will eventually provide an income to allow me to enjoy legitimate leisure time instead of constantly feeling like I should be doing more with my life.

I'm excited for the next few days because it will be another extended weekend where I will have extra time to spend to myself while the rest of the family is out and about doing their own thing. Hopefully, this will allow me to knock out a large chunk of this rewrite that I was hoping to get to last weekend but couldn't because I was sick.

As always, we'll see what end up getting to and I'll check in tomorrow with another update.

Talk to you then.


The Wicker Breaker