Dateline 10-23-2017

If you would have told me back in my screenwriting days that a time would come where I would actually enjoy writing early in the morning without getting to an AM time by staying up all night, I would have laughed you out of the room after punching you in the ear. Alright, maybe the ear hitting wouldn't happen as I've never been one to turn to violence. I'm also pretty sure the leaving of the room would be necessary but there definitely would be laughter involved.

As I've said several times in these daily posts, this blog has broken my inclination to only write at night which I feel is due to the fact that I'm dealing with nonfiction. For whatever reason, I still feel the need for night time to tap into the fantastical side of my head in order to create more compelling fiction, but as far as blogging goes, I feel perfectly fine writing no matter what the clock says.

Now, I actually love to get up around 6:00 in the AM to sit down and start my day and would do it more often if only I didn't still have that late night bug inside me. If I did still struggle to get out of bed, I'd stick to this schedule all the time but for now, I just have to take these early morning starts whenever I can get them. 

This weekend, I was up extra late while working on my novel rewrite. Thought I was staying up later, I was still waking at my usual time, which isn't quite 6:00 but it's still way earlier than back in the days when there was a PM on the clock when I'd wake on my own accord. Anyways, two days of this led me to crash last night before midnight leading to this extra early rambling post that I'm putting together right now.

With that, it's time to wrap up this round of rambling about my extra early start and move on to the Saturday Night Live portion of my day in order to get to an extra early start to my midafternoon nap which I hope will lead to an extra early start to today's novel rewriting session. As always, I'll be sure to check in tomorrow with an update on how things turn out.

Talk to you then.


The Wicker Breaker