Dateline 10-30-2017

Oh man, I really wish I could remember what I dreamed about last night. Even though I don't really like sharing dreams because of the whole, they're not interesting to anyone other than the person who dreamed them thing, when you write a daily post, sometimes you have to take what you can get when it's there.

So last night, when I woke at the midpoint of an exciting dream I remember noting that it would be the topic of my post only to wake hours later with no recollection as to what was exciting at all. I think this is due to the fact that it was a late night dream and not one that I managed to muster up before waking.

I'm not all that disappointed that I lost the details to share because, as you can see, I have no problem rambling on to fill the page, but I am very disappointed that I can't remember a single thing about this night-time vision other than the fact that I was so excited about it during my waking intermission that I fell back to sleep with ease in order to get caught up with the action.

I think this dream had a life change vibe over being chalked full of action since I'm not really an adventure. This would make sense as I get closer and closer to finishing the current draft of my novel which might have me a little extra excited about the potential that I can get back to living instead of just working my ass off while scraping by in my effort to earn the ability to have full control over my life.

As far as the novel goes, I have two days left and twenty-seven pages to go to meet my goal to have a clean plate for this year's NaNoWriMo challenge that starts on the first. I'm pretty sure this is achievable, especially if I can remain as productive as I've been over the weekend since solidifying this plan.

As always, we'll see what happens and I'll check in tomorrow with what does.

Talk to you then.


The Wicker Breaker