Dateline 11-12-2017

Alright, enough dilly-dallying as it's time to get started on day twelve of this year's NaNoWriMo challenge. The reason I am getting such a late start or at least the reason I'm struggling to get going is due to the fact that I came extremely close to fulfilling yesterday's goal to get an entire day ahead of my workload. 

My extra effort to get ahead not only led me to stay up later than usual but these extra hours were devoted to work instead of working on calming my mind in order to get a good night's rest. Now I'm struggling to adjust since I still managed to wake at around the same time as usual.

Even though I woke at the same time, it took me at least an extra hour before mustering up the energy to even attempt to start my day. Usually, when this is the case, it's a sign that my pace is shot for the day as this usually happens after a night of drinking or when I feel sick or run down. 

This time, however, today's slow start is simply because I'm tired and really should have slept in as a reward for yesterday's work. It's all good though because as soon as I am done with this post, I've already watched and recapped today's episode of Saturday Night Live meaning I simply have to write the review.

After my SNL review, I am technically done for the day since, last night, I was also successful in doubling down on my NaNoWriMo efforts and am now a day and a half ahead of the recommended pace. Granted, this doesn't mean that I'm going to take the day off because the whole point of getting ahead is to then stay ahead of the game.

This means, once I finish today's SNL review, I will have to shift gears and start to work on tomorrow's tasks. Hopefully, I'll get everything completely done by the end of the day so that I don't have to deal with the same loose ends when I go through this process tomorrow.

Ideally, once I'm all caught up, my workload will go back to usually only I will be one full day ahead and not tying up loose ends from the day before or rushing to meet my deadlines. I'm excited about this because, in a couple of days when this new plans in place and I'm better rested after dropping back down to work at my usual pace, this twenty-four-hour safety net will free me from enough pressure to where I might have a little more fun.

So with that, it's time to get to work on my effort to get ahead, which at this point, is definitely a manageable feat. As always, I'll keep you posted on my progress when I check in with another update. Until then, good luck to you and your goals.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. If you are reading this and playing along with this year's NaNoWriMo feel free to add fubunker as your writing buddy and I will buddy you back.