Operation Achieve Anything: Day Ten, Dateline 1-10-2018

It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.
— Walt Disney

I wasn't expecting yesterday's assignment to hit me as hard as it did. I guess I shouldn't have been all that surprised since my low self-esteem's always caused me to get too emotional whenever I've had to paint myself in a positive light in the past, so this really should have been expected. I find it much easy to beat people to the punch and highlight my flaws while explaining them away over pushing myself as a product.

The assignment for yesterday was to write a quick definition of myself and then go on to list five things I like about myself, five things I would love to change, and then share the color of my soul. Below is what I managed to come up with:


Matt Bunker (AKA Bunker, AKA The Wicker Breaker) – Whether you find him to be talented or not, Matt Bunker is a prolific writer on a focused mission to master his craft until his written content matches the quality of stories he has trapped in his head while exploring the meaning of existence. Though he can come across as crass at times, deep down his intentions are driven by a heart of gold that’s hidden with hopes of one day being exposed. On his wrist is a scar that reads “WHY TRY” even though he’s put more effort into living than you will ever know.

Things I like about myself:

  1. I like the fact that I’m dedicated to the dreams that I’ve been chasing for over twenty years even when my life hit its low points.
  2. I like that I feel creative and willing to take risks with my attempts at creating compelling content.
  3. I like my imagination, even when creative work is not involved since sometimes it’s been the only thing to keep me going.
  4. I like my ability to adapt to anything, but unfortunately, I mainly adapt to chaos.
  5. I like my sense of humor even though I’m currently living a life where I barely get to use it.

  Things I would like to change about myself:

  1. I would love to lose weight and be able to keep it off.
  2. I wish I had genuine confidence and not just a manic episode where I mentally feel unstoppable but crazy.
  3. I wish I could keep my quirky ways without feeling like I’m always misunderstood or losing my mind for how I see things connect.
  4. I wish that I could express myself the same way I do in my head, instead of feeling like a stroke victim who is continually frustrated by the fact that their motor skills no longer match their pre-stroke abilities making their lives a nightmare.
  5. I wish I could learn how to release all of this built up stress in a way that’s healthy.

The color of my soul:

Rust, I’d have to say that my soul is rust colored at this time with its authentic color being unknown from it being hidden for so long.

As for today's assignment, this is going to be another tough one since the Achieve Anything... book is asking me to tap into my devilish side and complete a task that would shock anyone who knows me. The example in the book was aimed at a night owl, and they suggested waking early to do some sort of a workout routine.

Part of the reason this one is going to be hard is that the lesson to be learned is how to get over your fears of starting something new out of fear that you won't succeed. Meanwhile, I've never really had a problem with starting things or finishing the things that I start. My problem isn't really with motivation it's more what to do with my work when it's done.

The other part of the reason this is a tough assignment is the simple fact that I've already done so many things in my life, I don't think I'll be able to shock anyone with my efforts, the shocking would come if any of my completed efforts would actually succeed. 

Oh well, I'll figure something out, but I wouldn't go expecting anything magical out of this one. As always, I'll let you know what I end up coming up with when I check in again tomorrow. Until then, it's now that time where I say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.