Operation Achieve Anything: Day Eleven, Dateline 1-11-2018

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
— Jim Rohn

I've been worried about two out of the last three assignments out of the Achieve Anything... book due to the fact that they've been aimed at taking inventory of the people you're close to in life. Thankfully, these assignments have been thought-experiments as opposed to calls to action because, as a shut-in, I'm extremely nervous about the inevitable day where I will be assigned to reach out in an active attempt to get people to join in on my efforts.

For yesterday's assignment, I was supposed to step away from my daily routine and do something that would shock a friend if they heard I was doing it. As I pointed out, this was a tough one because, first, I've never been known as someone who was afraid to give something a shot, so I don't see any new effort toward anything shocking anyone. Next, as I also pointed out, I no longer really have anyone to shock even if I were to get into anything all that interesting.

Thanks to these issues, I decided to try and shock myself by using the book's example and participating in an impromptu half-hour workout that I've been avoiding for quite some time. I wasn't all that shocked by the fact that I decided to give this a shot but, I must say, I was rather impressed with myself for making it through the entire routine. Granted, I could barely keep up and was utterly pathetic, but I still did make it through to the very end and plan to work more fitness like this into a daily task.

Today's assignment is another one that involves a thought-experiment about the people in my life making the count now three out of the last four that are extra challenging as a shut-in. For this assignment, I'm asked to think about the five people in my life that I talk to the most that make up the average that is me as mentioned in the opening quote up above. The problem is that I have to include my dog to bring the count up to five "people" that I interact with during an average week since I've grown to be that reclusive. 

Of course, I'll still be able to complete the task; it's just not going to be all that fun. Of course, you'll get to see that yourself when I share my findings tomorrow. Until then, it's now that time where I say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.