Operation Achieve Anything: Day Twelve, Dateline 1-12-2018

Inspiration is wonderful when it happens, but the writer must develop an approach for the rest of the time... The wait is simply too long.
— Leonard Bernstein

Holy Moly, this might be my latest start to a day that I've experienced since the paradigm shift where I began to prefer writing my blog post first thing in the morning as opposed to waiting for the sun to go down to be stricken with inspiration. Luckily, this should be an easy one thanks to the fact that yesterday's assignment was a thought experiment and I've already watched today's episode of SNL and just have to write the review.

Yesterday, the Achieve Anything... book assigned me to take a critical look at the five people I spend most of my time with and weight out the plusses and minuses in order to see if it's time to make some important life choices. Right now, I pretty much only have five people in my daily life, but that requires counting my dog as a person. Other than that, it's my mom, my youngest sister, her son/my nephew, and her boyfriend/my nephew's father.

For the most part, we all get along rather well, aside from the usual family/roommate brand of annoyance where everyone gets on everyone else's nerves for little with no real sense of hatred. I wouldn't say that anyone of these people, including the dog is on my side to the point of being a cheerleader, but at the same time, they're all supportive enough to where I don't feel like a joke for actively chasing my dreams.

This assignment might have been more interesting back in my Seattle days where my circle of friends was a perfect blend of supportive people mixed with people who I might have really liked that preferred me as the loveable loser and only encouraged my efforts while I was beating up myself with my self-deprecating humor.

As always, that's not to say that I blame these others since I've always been the ringleader and master of my self-hate. Yes, people may have joined in on my jokes but, as far as my friends went, I never felt that anyone was going out of their way to be mean, but at the same time, no one felt more than politely encouraging when that still something that I really need.

This aspect of being my own biggest hurdle is what makes it so hard to do more with this assignment, even though I really get the message it's trying to promote since its part of the reason I took myself out of the Seattle scene. It got to the point where I started to believe that I was nothing more than the big dumb guy that I've always portrayed myself to be while at the same time it felt like it was getting old to everyone else.

So, there are my thoughts in order to fulfill yesterday's Achieve Anything... assignment. As for today's assignment, this is another one that I've been doing for several years so I might go into a little more in tomorrow's post, but for the most part, I'm considering it done since it's asking me to start journaling, which is what this Daily Breaker post is.

Granted, the assignment tells me not to worry about structure or to say anything all that important since my focus should be to develop a routine to where writing becomes instinctual whether I'm inspired or not. This has actually been my approach towards the daily posts right up to the start of this challenge.

With that said, I'm going to jump the gun with this one and declare it a success right now. That said, I'm sure I'll add more insights when I check in tomorrow to share the next assignment. Until then, it's now that time for me to say, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.