Operation Achieve Anything: Day One-Hundred-Forty-Four, Dateline 5-24-2018

The human race may be compared to a writer. At the outset a writer has often only a vague general notion of a plan of his work, and of the thought he intends to elaborate. As he proceeds, penetrating his material, laboring to express himself fitly, he lays a firmer grasp on his thought; he finds himself. So the human race is writing its story, finding itself, discovering its own underlying purpose, revising, recasting a tale pathetic often, yet none the less sublime.
— Felix Adler

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number one-hundred-forty-four of Operation Achieve Anything. Time seems to be flying by now that I’ve got this steady job. Again, I did work prior to this new gig but the randomness of my schedule made my days feel extra-long on days when I was patiently hunting for money-making opportunities. Now that I landed this feast of a workload, I just zone out for a few hours each day until next thing you know the day is halfway over and I’m too brain-dead to work on my personal projects.

This is why I start each day focused on my self-imposed blogging obligations first thing in the morning before the day job kills any creative thought that may form in my head. Unfortunately, I do find that this gig ambition squelching monotony feels like it’s been exponentially effecting my content’s quality in a negative way as I get stuck in looming thoughts of just wanting to finish my workday. Fortunately, as I grow more and more comfortable with the situation, I’m starting to find more balance to where I’m starting to feel less of a need to rush through my personal projects in order to wrap up my work.

This actually plays into yesterday’s assignment that was focused on how high-spirits maybe more important to success than either talent or ability. I agree with this sentiment because way back when my spirits were high while I secretly wanted to die, I tended to fail upward because people felt the carefree mask that I wore was fun. A couple of years ago, when I stopped wearing masks and stopped being fun, I instantly lost many opportunities along with many friends for being a fuddy-duddy.

I get it, I didn’t even want to be around me at that time since I was not only volatile but I was looking for any excuse to burn any bridge so that I would be left alone in order for my reality to match up with how I felt since all of the faking it until making it bullshit was driving me out of my mind. I’m still nowhere near finding my comfort zone as far as how I see my future and don’t think I’ll ever get back to being the person I used to be but at least at this moment, I’m in a better place as I was before as I continue to attempt to figure out my purpose.

Speaking of purpose, that plays right in to today’s assignment where the lesson focused on looking at life through the eyes of a writer developing a story in their head. They may know which way they want their story to go but as the actual writing process goes, things may need impromptu changes to fit the needs of a scene but that doesn’t mean they have to change the final goal or destroy the rest of the plan.

As for the actual assignment, I’m now simply supposed to continue to follow my passions as I continue to search for my purpose. As always, you’ll have to wait for tomorrow’s update in order to see what I make of this task. Until then, it’s time to wrap this thing up by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.