Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Sixty-Six, Dateline 9-23-2018

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.
— Ronald E. Osborn

Good afternoon crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-sixty-six of Operation Achieve Anything. Once again, I’m stuck beating myself up for being a slacker after staying up all night doing nothing but work. The problem in my head this time is that, that I want to start my next project to get the ball rolling because there is more potential for it to lead to a profit than this page where I just share my thoughts.

I started the website building process a couple of nights ago, after paying for the hosting services and domain names while I still had money, before I burnt through my latest paycheck. The original plan was to hold off on starting anything new until I corrected the mass amounts of typos that slipped by thanks to a third-party spellchecker issue that didn’t commit any changes when publishing to my site but I couldn’t hold back the urges.

I signed up for a class to teach me how to build sites using WordPress. Since I already have some experience with the platform, I decided that I’d at least take the portion of the course that focuses on the setup while I was nursing my handover since I was already aware of this process. This only worked but a bit, because I did all of the steps to get going during the instructor's introduction.

This kind of bothered me for two reasons. One, the fact that I started before the instructor even begun to mention the first thing about design meant that I wasn’t properly using the class as a resource to learn, defeating the purpose of taking the course. The second thing that bugged me was the back of the head distraction that stemmed from the fact that this meant I was only halfway done cleaning the season of SNL that I just started the night before.

Though I like to always have multiple assignments to work on, in order to jump around when I get bored, in this case, I really started to feel like I was spreading my efforts too thin to where I was starting to chase my own tail while bouncing back and forth between projects. I’m glad that this happened though because it provided clear evidence that I really need to focus on TheWickerBreaker.com typo cleaning process before I move on to my next goal. Up until I tried this additional task, I thought I could add one more item to my plate that’s already packed to its maximum load.

This proves that yesterday’s assignment where the lesson seemed to say that being a busybody who just keeps going is more likely to succeed than an intelligent person with talent that’s not always on the go. I guess this advice could be true for industries where all you have to do is show up, and you’re good. Take my day job for example where I could be the ideal employee if I did I did more than just put in the bare minimum to allow me to focus on personal projects that have a higher priority to me.

This may sound like a terrible approach to work but this day job is temporary, and they will drop me the second my contract is up just like many other gigs from the past, where my passions will be stuck with me for life. I feel this is the trade-off for working in stuck an unstable industry in exchange for the freedom to chase my dreams. Aside from that, the logic of this assignment is flawed or else, if it were actually true, my busybody ass would have been an enormous success decades ago.

Today’s assignment is the same exact assignment that’s already been given at least three times in the past where I’m supposed to once again attempt to learn something new. I’m fine with this idea, especially since the whole point of the new site that I’m building is to test and review affordable online classes in hopes to highlight the classes that actually work while profiting from the knowledge in the process.

I just hate how, once again, the Achieve Anything… book is recycling content while acting like it’s all new making it feel even more like a book filled with cliches and filler material. Oh well, as always, I’ll work through my issues and share what I come up with in tomorrow’s post. Until then, it’s now time for me to sign off by saying, good day and good luck to you and all of your projects.

Talk to you soon.


The Wicker Breaker

P.S. Below are links to my novel, which I plan to promote as part of Operation Achieve Anything, as well as a link to where you can buy the book that is providing the structure to this project in case you would like to purchase it in order to play along.