Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Nine, Dateline 11-5-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Nine, Dateline 11-5-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Nine, Dateline 11-5-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-nine of Operation Achieve Anything. Where last Monday I was dreading the upcoming week due to a lack of energy, this week I’m back to being excited about what I do. Not that I felt like I was over the actual efforts, it was just a rough week, and was suffering from burnout from struggling to manage my time since my head was just somewhere else. I’m now back to being ahead of my SNL review, am loving my NaNoWriMo novel that I just started, and still have time to do behind-the-scenes work for this site.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Eight, Dateline 11-4-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Eight, Dateline 11-4-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Eight, Dateline 11-4-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-eight of Operation Achieve Anything. It’s Sunday, and thanks to yesterday’s efforts I’m back to being ahead of the game one full review and one pre-viewing legwork summary of the episode of SNL that I will watch for tomorrow’s review. This is the ideal situation for me it allows me to watch and review each episode more casually since I don’t have to publish the thing within the same day. Not only that, having the pre-viewing legwork done twenty-four hours makes it feel like there are fewer spoilers from having just written the sketch list and summaries directly before watching the show.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Seven, Dateline 11-3-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Seven, Dateline 11-3-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Seven, Dateline 11-3-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-seven of Operation Achieve Anything. It’s a Saturday, so, I’m going to make this one quick so that I can finish thing up early and actually enjoy my weekend… well… I’m probably going to end up doing more work than play to make up for how horrible I was throughout the week at staying on task. I just want to hurry up and get through any obligations that need to be done to work on something different for a change of pace.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Six, Dateline 11-2-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Six, Dateline 11-2-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Six, Dateline 11-2-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-six of Operation Achieve Anything. Alright, I finally feel like I’m back on the ball. Last night I not only fit in two SNL reviews to get back to the point where I no longer have as much stress from having to watch, review, and post my findings all in the same day. Granted, I still have to put in the same amount of work to keep this tiny lead, but there is far less pressure since the deadline is more than twenty-four hours away. This allows me to focus on the content over just rushing to get things done. On top of that, I also manage to properly start this year’s NaNoWriMo and am loving the fact that I’m writing fiction again.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Five, Dateline 11-1-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Five, Dateline 11-1-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Five, Dateline 11-1-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-five of Operation Achieve Anything. As part of my new health kick, I’ve been trying new supplements. Last month, I felt a lot of benefits for the multiple life changes which on top of the supplement intake included adding walking and diet to me daily routine. Since I started everything at once, I have no idea which piece to this new puzzle was to credit for me feeling so clearheaded. This month, I switched up my supplements to test out new products and see what else may help my body and mind. I don’t know if it’s the switch or the recent run of stressful life events, but I feel like I’m falling back to having a foggier brain.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Four, Dateline 10-31-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Four, Dateline 10-31-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Four, Dateline 10-31-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-four of Operation Achieve Anything. Over the past couple weeks, I've been feeling a lot of self-hate for sharing anything political. Not because I have any guilt in what I believe, but because I know that nobody is listening to anything outside of their established belief, making me a Third Party Atheist who’s just preaching to a small choir. Besides, I’m not trying to change anyone’s views anyway, most of my post stem from the anger over people actively pushing for me to not stick to my belief, or at least that used to be the case when I had more friends who would chime in on the comments.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Three, Dateline 10-30-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Three, Dateline 10-30-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Three, Dateline 10-30-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-three of Operation Achieve Anything. It never ceases to amaze me how every single time that I see a spike of interest in my sight and go on to acknowledge it, it’s like turning on the lights to see nothing but scattering crickets. Whether I mention an increase in readers, ad revenue (keeping in mind I’m literally talking, at best, a couple of bucks a day) or high interaction on social media, the next day, all of those stats drop even further below my pre-increase numbers the very next day.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Two, Dateline 10-29-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Two, Dateline 10-29-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-Two, Dateline 10-29-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-two of Operation Achieve Anything. First off, I’d like to that the cluster of crickets that started to make a little noise following yesterday’s Joseph Gordon-Levitt Saturday Night Live post. Granted I’m only talking about a dozen reaction to this one Tweet, but that’s more social media action that I get in a typical week. The timing couldn’t have been better because this was the first full day that I was official without a job, and I was looking for a sign as to whether to dig in and clean up this blog, in an effort to make it my part-time job, or if I should dig into a serious job hunt. This bit of interaction helped me figure this out.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-One, Dateline 10-28-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-One, Dateline 10-28-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred-One, Dateline 10-28-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred-one of Operation Achieve Anything. Well, yesterday I celebrated the fact that I’ve made it three-hundred days through this Achieve Anything… book as tasked by the assignment for the day, so we can check that off my list of things to address in this post. While celebrating, I learned that I no longer have a job. What a rough month, first my dog and now this.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred, Dateline 10-27-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred, Dateline 10-27-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Three-Hundred, Dateline 10-27-2018

Good afternoon crickets. Welcome to day number three-hundred of Operation Achieve Anything. I can’t believe I’m three-hundred days into this challenge and I’m still waiting for this book to get past the self-help nonsense and get on to actually focus on accomplishing a goal. I’m feeling burnt out once again, so I’m just going to jump right in and get into yesterday’s assignment where I was pretty much told once again to fake it until I make it. Though the lesson didn’t use those exact words, the example used was to force a smile until joy just magically sets in.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Nine, Dateline 10-26-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Nine, Dateline 10-26-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Nine, Dateline 10-26-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-ninety-nine of Operation Achieve Anything. My head is starting to settle again which is weird considering I went to bed pretty depressed and woke up in the middle of the night feeling anxious about my day job situation. This led me to go back to sleep, and when I woke up, I no longer felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. Then, I sit down to write just in time to see that they’ve caught the guy who’s been sending out all of these bombs.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Eight, Dateline 10-25-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Eight, Dateline 10-25-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Eight, Dateline 10-25-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-ninety-seven of Operation Achieve Anything. It’s weird how just a few days ago, I shared how I was starting to feel a bit more mentally balanced from all of the healthy choices that I’ve been making lately. In the past, I’ve also admitted that I feel more comfortable in either extreme because my upbringing has me more comfortable in chaos even though all that I want is inner peace and peace in general. The chaos that sends me on the highs and lows is, more often than not, external; hears that I will never figure out how to gain enough confidence to make a living of my own work, whether or not my family and friends hate me. Being balanced is the worst because the sadness that comes during the calm stems from internal pains.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Seven, Dateline 10-24-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Seven, Dateline 10-24-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Seven, Dateline 10-24-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-ninety-seven of Operation Achieve Anything. Yesterday gave me a quick scare when I was notified out of the blue that I was being released from my current job. Just as predicted, there was no warning, just, you’re no longer on this project, like the last long-term gig that I did through this company. Thankfully, unlike last time when they just dropped me and left me with nothing but random, one-off task, where I was lucky to get enough work a month to live, this time they instantly offered me a role in another department within the same project.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Six, Dateline 10-23-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Six, Dateline 10-23-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Six, Dateline 10-23-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-ninety-six of Operation Achieve Anything. Things are getting weird as I seem to be getting healthier. As I said a while back, after my last bout with sciatica left me bedridden for a couple of months, I finally got out of bed heavier than I’ve ever been in my life. Not that I was living right and fit before weight increase, I call myself The Wicker Breaker base on my joke about not trusting my weight vs. wicker furniture.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Five, Dateline 10-22-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Five, Dateline 10-22-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Five, Dateline 10-22-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-ninety-four of Operation Achieve Anything. Here we go with another post just hours from my last one. According to my Fitbit, I did manage to fit in three hours of sleep, making it both technically and literally a new day, but I swear that it didn’t feel like I slept a second at all. Then again, I do remember a dream where I couldn’t get my stomach to stop rumbling which led everyone in a tight office space to think that I kept on farting.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Four, Dateline 10-21-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Four, Dateline 10-21-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Four, Dateline 10-21-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-ninety-four of Operation Achieve Anything. Here I go with round to of this nonsense because the dumb fucking add on spellchecker that I use disables ctrl-z when it is activated. I love the software for the features that go deeper than the built-in spellcheck for Word, but I can’t stand their technical glitches. I just got done writing an entire post explaining how this is the first time in years that I’ve had to implement my loophole where I don’t consider midnight the end of my day but instead I see tomorrow as when I wake from my first sleep following the switch from PM to AM. When I went to cut and paste it into my blogging software I accidentally hit ctrl-v instead of ctrl-c leading all of my work to disappear with no way to get it back.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Three, Dateline 10-20-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Three, Dateline 10-20-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Three, Dateline 10-20-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-ninety-three of Operation Achieve Anything. Yesterday turned out to be a good one where I didn’t beat myself up once over what I was and wasn’t getting to, at least after I completed the obligations that I absolutely needed to get done. It helped that my day job was down yet again, allowing me to put some time into the side paid gig that I was planning to get to this weekend. Now, instead of having to put in a full eight hours into this task, I’ve now got three days to complete four hours worth of work. This will allow me to ease my way through this weekend a tad bit easier even though I still have to fit in this paid work.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Two, Dateline 10-19-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Two, Dateline 10-19-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-Two, Dateline 10-19-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-ninety-two of Operation Achieve Anything. Last night I realized that I really need to learn how to relax. I know I am often on here talking about taking it easy on days that I was hoping to be productive. Meanwhile, these “easy going” days never take place until after I’m done with four hours worth of blogging and, more likely than not, several hours as my paid work as well. My problem is, even when I do take one of my little “breaks” I’m still continually running through what needs to be done in my head, so there’s not actually relaxation going on.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-One, Dateline 10-18-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-One, Dateline 10-18-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety-One, Dateline 10-18-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-ninety-one of Operation Achieve Anything. You know how just yesterday I was saying that I was excited about being caught up on work and back on a graveyard schedule, and how I was taking a day off due to the fact that my work ran out of tasks, but I wasn’t all that concerned because I was offered a side gig that would make up for any hours missed? Well, in less than twenty-four hours, my day job still doesn’t have work, which led me to crash halfway through the night after running out of things to do. Thankfully it’s Thursday, meaning I have just one more day of just going with the flow before I get back to adjusting my sleep schedule for next week.

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Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety, Dateline 10-17-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety, Dateline 10-17-2018

Operation Achieve Anything: Day Two-Hundred-Ninety, Dateline 10-17-2018

Good morning crickets. Welcome to day number two-hundred-ninety of Operation Achieve Anything. The last few days have turned ended up work out brilliantly. First, there was the fact that I not only got all caught up on any missed hours from my day job’s system outages, but I also managed to fit in a side job and get not just caught up but ahead of my work for this blog. Yesterday was payday, so I walked to the store to replenish my food, which also knocked out all of my Fitbit steps in one fell swoop. By the time I got home, all that I had left to do was to fit in four hours of my day job.

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