365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Seven - 1/7/2021

One Creative Introverts Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number seven of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… I can’t believe it’s already been a week since I’ve started this project… time seems to be flying by now that I’m back to publicly working on something that I feel passionate about… granted I’ve still been working on behind the scene aspects of my passion project during my two-year sabbatical from writing… but when time flew then… it would just go unnoticed…

Sharing my work publicly makes me more aware of time-passage since I write the date at the start of each post… part of me wants to stop this format for the title of each post especially now that I want to detach from this era of time to focus my energy on this site… my health… my garden and my dog… I still want to share my progress for those who are entertained by people like me… but with the way things are going… I’m fine with hiding from the rest of the world… until the people who actually have the power to get things done get their acts together and start thinking about the planet over their potential income…

Speaking of income… I can’t believe that it’s been over a month and the four services that I have to deal with to correct the connection with Ezoic each tell me that it’s the other services’ fault… to add to the annoyance… Ezoic’s support is the quickest to answer my questions and provide support… but they usually need information from the other services before they can do their part…

Since I use the free version of Cloudflare… their support mainly replies with cut and paste responses with articles suggesting steps that I noted I already tried in the note when I reported the problem… then an hour later a follow-up message arrives saying that the ticket has been resolved… then… when dealing with SquareSpace… they just say that they don’t help with third-party integration problems…

The thing that sucks is… aside from this one little error… I like the product for all of the companies involved and enjoyed all of the benefits that each service provided when they were configured to properly working together… I just don’t know why finding the solution is taking this long… and why most of the progress has come from research done on my side…

You’d think that at least one of the companies would’ve heard of the issue before…

This makes me mad as hell… enough with… which makes for the perfect transition into today’s assignment!!!

For day number seven… the 365 Days Of Marketing book claims that it’s I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore Day… and if I had a window… I’d scream this out to the world that I’m trying to ignore… I’m very annoyed by the keyword communication style that the tech industry has created over the years…

Back when I worked in the one warehouse that Amazon owned… back in 1997… I had some friends who worked in customer support… and they loved how easy their job got as the automated responses were developed to where they just had to figure out what the customer was asking… then… after clicking the correct button to generate the proper response… all they had to do was hit send and then they were done…

After a while… I noticed these friends started to use the same sort of keyword listening during conversations that were meant to be fun… now the keyword thinking is all that I seem to see all throughout the world… which is hard for me as a rambler who tends to throw in random keywords just to mix things up… but the mix-ups are always my fault…

I notice I have the same problem when seeking help from health care providers… for example… I’ll come in and say something like… “I was once diagnosed with sciatica but…” now… what’s important to me is what follows the but… only the doctors seem to then narrow in on this old diagnosis… in this example the but was that I no longer have the back pain but still don’t have feeling in my left foot and leg….

The other day… while looking for Electric Muscle Stimulation placement points that might help with this lack of feeling in my left foot and leg… I found an article about Piriformis Syndrome… that can coexist with sciatica and lead to a lot of the same sort of pain… now that I’m electrically stimulating this piriformis area the feeling has started to return to my foot and leg…

It took two years and visits to ten different doctors for me to figure this out on my own… it’s not that I think these experts are stupid… but I do feel like they are overworked to where they have to resort to keyword communication… even when I try to explain how I came to the solution… I usually get a rushed… “Hm… that’s interesting”… as the doctor rushes me out the door in order to get to their next appointment…

Keep in mind… I accept the blame… as an over-explainer trying to communicate to an overworked world that has no time for my theories and concepts that are most often just a little off thanks to the fictional storytelling techniques that I often use to get to the solutions… I often feel like I need the expert to point out the Hollywood-logic flaw in my explanation… because when I learn how things really work… I can usually correct my flawed leaps in logic to get even closer to what’s actually going on…

In the past… I’d just give up when I’d find a “good enough” alternative solution and learn to adjust to any residual issue that might take the real cure to solve… but… from this point moving on… in honor of this assignment… I’m not going to take it anymore… and will push back when I’m treated like a hypochondriac who thinks they might have click-bait ailment about early signs of something you might have that pop up all over the internet…

Hopefully… this will lead to an official diagnosis of what’s going on with me… which I’ve been trying to get for over twenty-five years… only to keep being told that labels aren’t important anymore… before being labeled as bipolar and given meds the fuck up my head… which now makes me mad as hell… since I’ve been complaining that inner ear issues have been driving me mad for years… the inner ear problem that disappeared the moment I woke up from an unrelated sinus surgery…

Now that the ear issue is gone… my thoughts have become more singular… with no more intrusive thoughts… subconsciously meant to distract me from the sensations from a subtle ear clog whenever I was dealing with congestion… but… I still have a history of being insane that I can’t escape because the mental medication made things worse… all because no one ever looked into the physical symptoms I was complaining about because they were only focused on their department’s keywords…

Sorry that this post turned into a ramble… but how could it not when the theme for the day was inspired by the movie Network… which is a movie that makes me mad as hell because it no longer is a satire… and probably never was… that… and it’s getting late so I had to rush to get this one out before heading off to sleep…

And With That… Here Are The Numbers For The Past Seven Days!!!

(note… I’m just a fan of Ezoic with an affiliate link… they are not an official sponsor…)