365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Seventy-Seven - 3/18/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number seventy-seven of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… where I started to add metadata to The Daily Breaker posts from 2015 yesterday… but… as I was working… I couldn’t stop looking at my header image that seemed to be a little off… I’m not talking about the title and subtitle… that I still want to move… but the header images themselves were getting cut off in different places… meaning there was no quick custom CSS trick to fix them all at one…

This layout issue has actually been driving me nuts for a while… because… I’d find a way to adjust each image individually… this would end up messing up the responsive design for smaller-sized-screens… but… through trial and error… I’ve figured out how to find each specific container ID that I need while using the @media screen sizing code to adjust for whichever screen I need…

I fixed all of the header image issues that I could find… now I need to go in and figure out what I want to do with the header banner text… and if I want to keep it at all… aside from the text being dead center on the screen and often over any text in the header image…. I really like the look… and don’t know if I’ll be doing more custom CSS coding today… or if I’m going to focus on adding the metadata… I’ll probably end up doing a little of both… bouncing back and forth when I get bored from the data entry… or too frustrated when I can’t get a code to work right…

Either way… I’m going to consider today’s marketing effort to be done… now let’s see how I handled the task from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Incredible Kid Day… and since I’m not a father… I’m going to have to talk about the incredible kid who is my nephew… he was a little over a year old around the time I moved home from Seattle… and live here with my sister and her boyfriend… so I’ve been able to parent vicariously though him…

It’s been a very interesting experience because the kid is big for his age… just like I was… this allowed me to reexperience my childhood as I watch others treat him like his height and not his age… it’s interesting to see him interact with the neighbors… because one is three years older… and they’re the same size… meanwhile… the other kid who is my nephew’s age still looks like a tiny kid…

When the tiny kid cries or acts up…. everyone feels bad for the little guy… but if my nephew so much lets out the slightest whine…. everyone jumps all over him telling him to grow up… I feel like I have a PTSD-like reaction… especially when he would get treated like he was stupid simply because he’s not as old as others think…

I’ve probably learned more about myself while watching the incredible kid navigate life than I have through all of my combined years in therapy… is this why people have kids???

And with that… I’m done with the task from yesterday… now it is time to see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Lips Appreciation Day… and since I have lips… I do appreciate them because I would look weird without them… but I’m going to have to come up with more than that to meet the celebratory theme of the day… I’m really lost as to what else I can do… so… tomorrow might end up being either a fun one or a flop… and I can’t wait to find out which route I go…

For now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…