365 Days Of Marketing And Me: Day Eighty-Nine 3/30/2021

One Creative Introvert’s Effort To Take On The Extroverted Marketing World…

Welcome to day number eighty-nine of 365 Days Of Marketing And Me… and I have to admit that I ended up taking another day off from any marketing efforts as an attempt to avoid another bout of daily blogging burnout… not that I mind the rambling portion of the day… but… between the new meds I’m on that drain my energy… and the mundane nature of the behind-the-scenes work… it can be hard to keep going on the daily…

Then again… the struggle to come up with something when you’re not ready… is part of the fun of taking on a challenge that lasts 365 days without any breaks… especially when no pay is involved… I could see if I were under contract to write a book… or if I made more than a dollar a day… that it might be easier for me to set these posts as the highest priority of my day… but… as things are… this blog is still more of a hobby… where it’s still okay for me to fail from time to time while I play…

After all… The Wicker Breaker is a place for me to hone my skills as a writer for the fictional work that I can’t wait to share… I hate to admit it… but… at this point… I also can’t wait to wrap up this marketing challenge to get back to things like… reviewing products… movies… and television shows… activities that actually interest me… which would be anything that doesn’t have to do with the business side of being creative…

Now that I think about it… other than my typical introduction… this challenge doesn’t have much to do with business at all… which is why 365 Days of Marketing… might be the perfect book to provide me the framework to keep going… considering the fact that the book is more about marketing themes that it is about marketing theory… I probably would have given up weeks ago if I had to do anything like cold-call a lead… or attempt to distribute a newsletter… so… maybe I am on the right track after all…

Either way… it’s now time to stop wondering… in order to move on to see how I handled the theme from yesterday…

According to the 365 Days Of Marketing book… yesterday was Smoke And Mirrors Day… and to celebrate… I’m going to promote another old resolution from 365 Days Of Resolution… the challenge that ran on this site from 2014 to 2015… for Resolution #78… I set out to learn a new signature magic trick… and though the trick wasn’t extravagant enough to require smoke and/or mirrors… but might be a little more fun to watch while high.

Below is the video for those of you who just want to see the trick without having to read another post…

And with that… I’m going to consider the celebration of yesterday to be done… now it’s time to see what the book has in store for today…

The 365 Days Of Marketing book says that today is Pencil Day… which means that I’ll probably end up sharing at least a resolution or two devoted to learning how to draw… of all of the resolutions that I made… the ones that involved drawing were by for my favorite challenges… so I can’t wait to share them again in tomorrow’s post…

But for now… to wrap it all up… below are my statistics for the last seven days… now complete with speed stats…