Resolution #111: Buy, Use, And Spend A Night Out In Public With Spray-On Hair!!!

Date: 4-21-2014

Due Date: 4-21-2015

Resolution: This resolution is going to be foolish on multiple levels.

First off, I've defended this product at one point in my life. I've never tried spray-on hair, but I have said that I get it.

I have thinning hair. I partially blame damaging my scalp by dying my hair a lot as a young punk. I noticed that when I would dye my hair dark colors the dye would dye my skin as well. This would last for a couple of days and my hair looked much fuller.

Though this may be true, it's hard to make any point with this infomercial playing in the background.

The other levels of foolishness are; even though I don't feel foolish trying spray-on hair, I feel foolish thinking of the night that I'll have to go out with this stuff on my head. Finally, I'm sure whoever I hang out with will either also feel foolish, but more likely will do their best to make me feel MORE foolish.

Either way, it's going to be fun.

I can't wait to report the results.


Result #111: I Successfully Painted My Head Brown… And Then Painted The Town Red!!!


Update #1: Does This Spray-On Hair Actually Work???

Date: 9-7-2014

I bought a bottle of spray-on hair a couple of months ago. At first, I was going to hold off using it until the night I was going to spray it on and go out for the night.

For some dumb reason, I was thinking that it was a one-time use product.

Then I thought it would be insane to pay $9.99 for one use of spray hair.

Today I decided to give it a shot.

I'm kind of impressed.

At first, I thought it was just going to color the skin on my scalp to create an illusion of hair but it actually does something to make the actual hair seem fuller.

When I actually use the spray-on hair to go out for the night I'm going to have someone else apply the hair because as you can see, I missed a few spots.

As for the color?

It kind of matches.


Update #2: The Conclusion…

Date: 4-21-2015

At the beginning of this year, I tested my spray-on hair and wore it out in public for a farewell party that my friends held for me. Due to the fact that I rarely saw these friends during my last year in Seattle, because of some internal conflicts going on, I spent most of the night anxiously drinking.

Of course, this only led to awkwardness and more anxiety which led to more drinking. I remember there being moments of fun but forgot to pose for that many pictures to remember the night and to share as part of this hair experiment.

Everyone seemed to be impressed with the outcome of the spray-on hair. The orange-ish/red tint to the color seemed to be more of a giveaway than the look of the sprayed hair. If I were to use this product as a genuine way to hide my thinning hair I would die my hair black in order to better blend the coloring. 

That said, I don't think I would ever use spray-on hair as a genuine solution to my thinning hair. Other than the hairline hiding experiments I've been playing with as part of this resolution experiment I've come to grips that there is not much I can do about it and usually just shave my head.

Though I have to admit, novelty hair experiments are rather fun. Once I'm done with my Kingpin comb-over I think I'm going to go with a perm!


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