Resolution #117: Make Dump Food For Every Potluck I Get Invited To For A Year...

Date: 4-27-2014

Due Date: 4-27-2015

Resolution: I just got home from work and sat down to figure out the foolish resolution of the day. I fired up the Todd Glass Podcast as part of Resolution #63 and they were really going off about how dumb this Dump Cake product is; pointing out if you're this disinterested in baking, why not just buy the finished project?

They pretty much made my decision for me. All I had left to do was figure out what to do with the Dump Cake and Dump Dinner. In sticking with the time-honored tradition of As Seen on TV products I'm going to give you two resolutions for the price of one!!!

Part one: I'll live off of nothing but Dump Dinners for an entire week.

Part two: Whenever I get invited to a potluck I'll dump up a recipe and bring it as my dish.


Result #117: I Had No Potluck Invites… So… Technically This Is A Success… But… Since I Didn’t Even Buy The Dump Cake Book… I’m Considering This To Be A Failure…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 4-27-2015

Yep, another As Seen On TV fail :(

This is another one that I really wanted to try, not so much for the Dump Cake book but for the supplemental Dump Dinner recipes. There's nothing I like more than dumping a few of my favorite items in a bowl, mixing them around, and calling it a meal.

I guess technically I eat dump dinners all the time but since I didn't buy the books and use the official recipes, I'm going to have to consider this resolution a fail.


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