Resolution #122: Sponsor A Coffee A Day Kid... And Mentor Them To Write A Short Film...

Date: 5-2-2014

Due Date: 5-2-2015

Resolution: I know coffee a day kid probably isn't the best way to refer to these children in need but as a person who is open to my own flaws, using them as inspiration in my writing I'm hoping to find a quirky kid open to sharing their honest outlook on life to create an amazing story.

I figure this would be fair and rather than receive a monthly update as to how great their life is because of my twenty-five bucks a month, I request story ideas and set deadlines so that at this time next year I can produce the short film they create and give them any of the profit, which since it's a short film will probably be zero, but they'll at least end up with a story that they created to share with the world.


Result #122: Another Over-Ambitious Goal To Be Put On Hold…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 5-2-2015

Hopefully, I'll be able to revisit this sometime in the future. It would be awesome to help the voiceless tell their tale. I guess I need to find my voice first.