Resolution #126: Stop Drinking Alone... And... Go Back To Being A Social Drunk...


Date: 5-6-2014

Due Date: 5-6-2015

Resolution: Before I got this day job, I spent about a year and a half as a social drunk. I would drink once or twice a week if that. Then I landed the job and started to suffer from sleep anxiety and insomnia and started drinking daily again.

I know a lot of you may say, "Why not just give up drinking altogether." I don't think abstinence is the answer to control. As I said in my stop smoking resolution I don't quit anything that I enjoy, I just stop doing it for a while. I feel this allows me to step off the wagon whenever I want and step back on when I'm ready, rather than fall off the wagon and end up feeling lost and hopeless.

I want to keep my options open. I like drinking with my friends, and since I don't have moral issues with drinking socially (or drinking in general) I don't want to set myself up for failure by banning myself from a treat that I can tend to over-enjoy, because of this I'm only giving up drinking alone.


Result #126: I'd Say That I Cut My Alone Drinking Down By Over 90%... So… I'm Going To Go Ahead And Consider This A Successful Resolution!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 5-6-2015

This year I've had my ups and downs as far drinking alone goes. Being that I don't intend to quit I never expected a 100% success rate. Over the past few years, I've successfully evolved from being a daily drunk… to a person who imbibes an adult beverage… or five… every other week… or so….

I can live with this!!!