Resolution #141: Do A Genealogical DNA Test To See What The Hell I Am???

Date: 5-21-2014

Due Date: 5-21-2015

Resolution: I don't really care about my heritage. I feel our clinging to a past that we had nothing to do with, picking sides based on unknown relatives is as much to blame for history repeating itself, if not more than the old saying about those not knowing their history.

That said I am into science and think it would be interesting to let a swab of my inner cheek answer the age-old question, "What am I?"

All I know is that there's Irish and Welsh on my mom's side of the family. My dad's side of the family has always been more of a mystery. It's just something that they never bring up. This may be where I get my lack of interest in unknown relatives of yesterday.

No matter what the results, I don't expect there to be a change in my personal perspective or world outlook. Don't count on my buying any new flags. I'm just intrigued.


Result #141: I Guess I'll Never Know What I Am… I'm Not Even Sure Is A DNA Test Would Even Help???


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 5-21-2015

Once again I have another failure on my hands due to impulsively starting this whole resolution experiment without having any ducks in a row.

I don't regret jumping into this project.

Part of me feels that I should have preplanned the experiments and made sure I had the finances to at least attempt everything I set out to do.

That said, where I feel I should have preplanned, I know if I would have gone that route I'd still be saying this is something that I want to do someday.

Unfortunately, I focus more on my failures than my successes but my awareness of my doubts is what will keep me going until the end.

This two-year concept is going to end up continuing on until I finish everything on the list, including figuring out my genetic makeup.

As soon as I get around to it, I'll let you know what I am.