Resolution #150: Learn Proper Sewing Techniques...

Date: 5-30-2014

Due Date: 5-30-2015

Resolution: I know how to thread a needle and I can sloppily sew up a hole well enough to get by. I currently have three hoodies that have pockets that are starting to fall apart, pants that need to be hemmed and my favorite shorts are beginning to come apart at the crotch. I could try to fix all of these issues using my half-assed technique but I don't know if I'd want to go out in public wearing the finished product.

I know a few people that I could turn to to help me out but I've got this whole resolution thing to utilize. As a way to become even more self-sufficient, this will be the year that I learn how to sew properly by both hand and machine.


Result #150: Though I Can Sew Well Enough To Get By In A Pinch… I’ve Still Yet To Take Any Courses That Might Teach Me To Make My Stitches More Permanent…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 5-30-2015

I was going to take an online sewing class to fulfill this resolution but lost track of when this one was due. As soon as I am done with my current classes I will get on it and learn how to sew.