Resolution #172: Sketch This Image Of Mr. Belvedere In Drag Once A Month For A Year!!!

Date: 6-21-2014

Due Date: 6-21-2015

Resolution: I've always wished that was better at drawing. I feel it would make me a better painter, animator, and graphic designer. Keep in mind I'm a beginner at best in all three of these hobbies, but who knows???

If I didn't feel like such a hack, having to resort to repurposing images found on the internet to make up for my shortcomings, maybe I would spend more time trying to express the visual side of my imagination to then share the end product with all of you out there.

My problem is that I don't practice.

Being that this ability to draw is only a fantasy, my lack of skill doesn't come into play until I have a specific project in mind. I then do the best that I can and usually come up with something cute for someone who has no idea what they’re doing.

Unlike writing, where I spend as much time as possible trying to hone my skills, I never pick up a pencil and sketch pad just to practice.

In an attempt to become better than good enough while also being able to gauge my progress I will sketch a portrait of the above image of Mr. Belevedere in drag once a month for an entire year to see and showcase my growth as an artist.


Result #172: Though I Completed A Few Sketches Of Mr. Broctune In Drag… I Failed To Do It Once A Month As Promised… But I Plan To Revisit The Challenge From Time To Time… To Test My Progress!!!


Update #1: Baseline Broctune.

Date: 7-2-2014

Alright, I've got some work ahead of me.

Tomorrow I begin to learn how to draw.

We'll see you next month.


Update #2: Getting A Little Better At Drawing Broctune!!!

Date: 9-3-2014


Update #3: I Drew This A While Back For A Class… But Forgot To Share… Until Now!!! 

Date: 4-22-2015


Update #4: If I Could Only Combine This Sketch With The Last One… I Think It Would Be Perfect!!!

Date: 6-21-2015


Update #5: The Conclusion…

Date: 6-21-2015

So I haven't mastered the art of sketching portraits quite yet but I feel I am making pretty good progress. I also think that if I were to combined aspects of each of these portraits I'd have the perfect sketch of Mr. Belvedere in drag.

Though I didn't do a sketch a month as promised, I'm going to consider this a success with the promise that I will retry from time to time and share my progress as an artist.

Who knows, this may end up being a subject for an eventual velvet painting!
