Resolution #215: Learn To Draw This Grumpy Guy's Portrait In 10 Days...

Date: 8-3-2014

Due Date: 8-3-2015

Resolution: I currently have two lessons left from You Can Draw in 30 Days, the book I'm using to learn to draw as part of Resolution #173.

It turns out, I really love to draw.

I'm still not that good at it, so I plan to always have a how-to-draw resolution until I figure it out.

My next how-to book will be Why Measure? The 10 Day Portrait Drawing Crash Course.


Result #215: Though It's Not My Best Work… I Did Successfully Sketch The Grumpy Old Guy In Order To Fulfill This Challenge!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 10-27-2014

I actually completed this resolution a little over a month ago. I got all the way up to day 10 and this was the result. After all the lessons that got me to this point the last instruction with to study the provided techniques to tidy your image.

I was originally going to take the time to make it a perfect copy, but the title doesn't say 10 days plus however many days it takes for you to really learn. 

 I took the ten days this book claimed I needed, followed every lesson, and have a Freddy Krueger of a sketch that I feel is at least fixable with the added time the book suggests.