Resolution #245: Learn How To Bind My Own Books...

Date: 9-2-2014

Due Date: 9-2-2014

Resolution: I finished writing my first novel at the beginning of this year.

Now what?

Though unintentional, this 365 Days of Resolution project is the perfect distraction to keep my mind off the story.

I've decided that when this project is over I'm going to focus on a second draft and will be able to with very fresh eyes.

Once I get the novel as close to complete as I can take it I would like to have it bound. Since I don't know if this novel will ever see the light of day I'd like to have at least one bound version of it before I die.

In sticking with my desire to eventually become totally self-sufficient, I'm going to spend the next year practicing the art of binding.

This will allow me to be able to create a very personalized finished copy of my work.


Result #245: This Binding Experiment Has Been Put On Hold… Until I Get… At Least… A Rough Draft That’s Worth Testing The Binding Process On…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 9-2-2015

I really want to learn to bind my own books. The problem still lies with the fact that I don't trust my own brain and no matter how many drafts I write I need a second set of eyes to catch my mistakes. Though I'm prolific, I'm also dyslexic and dumb and in desperate need of a proofreader.

Sure I could bind a flawed book just to get the learning process rolling but once I figure it out I want a finished product worth sharing and not just a hardcover for a piece of work that I still have to explain is not the final draft.

I've always been very proud of my content but embarrassed by my work. 

Maybe I'll figure it out someday?

I'll let you know if I do.