Resolution #250: Come up With A Money Management System That Works For Me...

Date: 9-7-2014

Due Date: 9-7-2015

Resolution: I've never been good with my money.

No matter how much money I've ever made I've always lived from paycheck to paycheck, sometimes from paycheck halfway to paycheck.

I'm currently stuck in a pattern where I have one paycheck that goes to rent and the rest SHOULD go toward food and regular living expenses. The second check mainly goes toward supplies needed to complete my resolutions and the only two bills that I have.

Here's what actually happens.

I get the first check right around the time rent is due. I write a check for rent and then wait for up to two weeks for it to get cashed. I justify to myself that I can buy a couple of cheap supplies for the blog. These little purchases add up and next thing you know I'm broke until payday.

The second paycheck works perfectly. Well perfectly in this paycheck to paycheck scenario.  I buy supplies, eat well, pay my two bills, and run out of money right in time for payday.

I'm almost forty.

I really need to come up with a plan that allows me to build up my savings.

Hopefully, this book will help.


Result #250: I Never Made Enough Money This Year To Budget Enough To Buy A Book About Budgeting… :(


Update #1 The Conclusion…

Date: 9-7-2015

As I said in the very first line, I have never been good with money. Well, it turns out that I am good with it in that I'm pretty good at scraping by with very little.

When I set this resolution I had a day job after giving up on my freelance career in film making. I have since given up on the day job and am back to the world of freelance, only now I'm doing freelance writing. Though this new freelance career is closer to my dream job, at this point, I'm making less money than ever but my experience and portfolio are growing so hopefully this gamble will pay off in the end.

At this point, I am barely making enough to get by let alone enough to create a budget. I guess I am budgeting what little I have so that I can get by but I don't need a book to tell me how to live without luxuries or a social-life.

I recently landed an hour a day online job so I'll have a bit of a steady income which I have found leads to more frivolous spending. Maybe after spending a couple of checks on something fun, I'll give this budgeting book a shot?

If I do end up buying this book and see any benefits I will let you know.