Resolution #267: Build An Altoids Tin Solar Power Supply!!!

Date: 9-24-2014

Due Date: 9-24-2015

The Resolution: Today I discovered my new favorite website, As I was scrolling through the projects I started to think of the type of things I'd like to build.

I saw a project for a solar-powered station. This was quite a big project and being that I live in an apartment I don't have that much access to the sun. It doesn't help that I live in Seattle.

Though this project wasn't a good fit, the idea of learning how to make things with solar power was intriguing.

I refined my search and came across this nifty Altoid Tin Solar Power Supply that I'm going to build within the year.

Hopefully… I'll figure out some useful things to do with it.


Result #267: As A Shut-In… None Of My Electronics Ever See The Sun… But… I Still Want To Build One Of These Altoids Tin Solar Power Supplies…


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 9-24-2015


Once again I threw out the baby with the financial bathwater with this resolution. I put off building this Altoids Tin Solar Power Supply because, though it is cool, I don't have much use for it. It is however a cool idea and cheap to build so I fully intended to make one.

At the time, I had a day job and since this contraption is so cheap and easy to make, I had no doubts that I would eventually get around to it. Now that I'm a freeloading freelancer, that barely makes enough to scrape by, I've lost track of all of the resolutions that cost money.

When I do manage to earn enough pay to have extra spending money, I usually spend said money on one of the more expensive projects leading these little tasks to fall through the crack.

I'm hoping now that I have a steady part-time gig I'll be making enough money to knock out these low-cost resolutions while saving up for the more expensive tasks.

I get my first check next week.

We'll see what happens.