Resolution #282: Attempt To Get Into As Many Last Will And Testaments As I Can...

Date: 10-9-2014

Due Date: 10-9-2015

The Resolution: I've never been in a will. I've had three grandparents die and have ended up with some of their stuff but it's not the stuff that matters to me. It would have felt nice to get some of the acknowledgment I sought while they were alive by being mentioned in their final plans.

Now it's time to seek that acknowledgment from strangers as I attempt to get into as many Last Will and Testaments as I can.

Hopefully… I’ll help just the right homeless person who is an undercover millionaire that rewards me for my act of kindness, but I don't see that scenario playing out especially if it requires me to perform an act of kindness.

I'm not fully sure how I'm going to accomplish this goal but there will be begging, bartering, or bamboozling involved. I'm willing to accept everything from nick-nacks to retirement plans, heirlooms to old brooms anything.

I just want to be mentioned in Wills.

I doubt I'll get anything but damn it, I'm going to try. 


Result #282: A Friend At Work Claimed He Put Me In His Will As A Farewell Gift… He’s A Reliable Coworker So I'm Counting It As A Success!!!


Update #1: The Conclusion…

Date: 10-9-2015

While at my last job I kept my life on the internet a bit of a secret. Though some people knew I was doing something with resolutions as part of an experiment, I never said anything about this site and never added anyone to my social media. If you haven't noticed, I'm a bit of an open person so I was afraid something about online me would be real-life me fired.

Toward the end of my stay in Seattle… I let a couple of coworkers know more details about this site. After about a week one of them approached me and said he got a kick out of the site. He said this resolution stood out to him because as part of his preparation for his, at the time, upcoming marriage he was going to create a will. He said not to expect much but in order to help out the cause, he'd include me in his list of inheritors.

I haven't really kept in touch so I'm not sure whether or not this became a reality but he was one of the more responsible members of management so I'm just going to assume this task is a success. I'm pretty sure he's going to outlive me so I'm not sure if I will ever find out.

If you are him and are still keeping up with this, I do appreciate the effort.